
Article Image
March 1993

Geophysics in Philately

Tom Hughes

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March 1993

Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation

RECORDER Committee

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February 1993

Mr. Redwater

Aubrey Kerr

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February 1993

Interpretation of Mode Converted (P-SV) Shear Wave Data

John Boyd

An in-line (SY) shear wave is recorded when a conventional source is recorded on three component geophones. A cross-line (SH) shear wave may also be recorded if anisotropy rotates any of the shear wave data out of the recording plane.

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February 1993

Bringing Remote Sensing Down to Earth: A Decision Tree for Hydrocarbon Exploration Applications of Remote Sensing

Fons Dekker

The use of Remote Sensing tools in the oil industry, especially in the current economic downturn, is hampered by a lack of detailed knowledge of the technology. There are few Remote Sensing specialists employed in the oil patch because the industry focuses on all-round explorationists instead of specialists. Also, there…