
The Seismic Wavelet, Well Ties, and the Search for Stratigraphic Traps
Anton Ziolkowski
In most mature hydrocarbon provinces it is estimated that 40 per cent of the oil is found in stratigraphic traps, which are often very difficult to identify on seismic data directly. I suggest that the difficulty is caused by three related problems; deconvolution, multiple removal - especially in marine data and well ties.…

Ground-Based Magnetic Horizontal Gradient Intensity and Radiometric Surveys, a Cost-Effective Hydrocarbon Exploration Tool: Three Case Histories in Western Canada
Leonard A. LeSchack
Three case histories are discussed where ground-based magnetic horizontal gradient intensity (HGI) and radiometric (RAD) exploration surveys have been used effectively in Western Canada.
The Progress of Geophysical Reservoir Description at Hibernia
Gary Taylor and Denis Couturier
Hibernia is located at latitude N. 46°44', longitude W. 48° 46' on the continental margin of the North Atlantic Ocean. Water depth is 78 metres, deepening east of the field as the Grand Banks of Newfoundland descend to the abyssal plain. The local marine environment is severe with storms, 20…

Ricker, Ormsby, Klander, Butterworth – A Choice of Wavelets
Harold Ryan
Commercially available software used to generate synthetic seismograms gives the geophysicist a choice of up to four types of standardized wavelets as well as the option of a user-defined wavelet. This review article will summarize the characteristics of these wavelets, illustrate the shape of the wavelets and their frequency spectrum…

The Future Role of the Seismic Method in Petroleum Exploration
S. Rutt Bridges
Experts from a variety of fields have predicted a revolution in computational power within the next five years. It is now apparent that we will soon have desktop Cray Y-MP equivalents and parallel machines readily available as network compute servers with teraflop performance. In addition, we will have the capability…

Sudhir Jain
Barbara Young
A cornerstone in the geophysical research and development field in Calgary for the last 20 years, Sudhir Jain, will be closing his company, Commonwealth Geophysical, at the end of June and moving on to other things. Sudhir's contribution to the geophysical community, not only in new software and techniques for…

C.S.E.G. Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon
CSEG Executive Committee
The CSEG Annual Meeting was held March 15th, 1994 at the Westin Hotel. A Very Successful lunch time Awards Presentation and Business Meeting as well as a presentation on Earthquakes near Fort St. John. B.C.. was enjoyed by all in attendance. Several Societies within our industry were represented.
C.S.E.G. Geophysical Workstation SEGY Standards
Doug Bath
With the proliferation of geophysical workstations in the industry it was felt by several members that the standards for SEGY stack data should be re-examined and if necessary brought up-to-date. Accordingly a committee was formed to discuss standards for geophysical workstation SEGY data formats. The following is a summary of…

Workshop on Problems with Phase
Stewart Trickett
On the afternoon of May 6, 1993, the final day of the annual convention of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, a workshop entitled "Problems with Phase" was held at the Calgary Convention Centre. It produced a fascinating look at a subject which, despite its longevity, continues to present major…

Optimization Methods for Prestack and Poststack Migration (Migration without Migraines)
Larry Lines, Andrew Burton and Han-xing Lu
Increased efficiency of finding and developing hydrocarbon resources while reducing the environmental impact through geophysical technology is critical to the future of the petroleum industry. This technology must remotely determine rock-fluid property characteristics, their geometry, and changes over time. In reviewing advancements in exploration seismology, three component 3-D seismology stands…

The APEGGA Registration Process
John Peirce
The CSEG/CSPG/APEGGA Liaison Committee has been considering issues that commonly arise in discussions with geologists and geophysicists when the subject of APEGGA is raised. The goal of the committee is to try to facilitate change from within the system in order to demonstrate that APEGGA can be sensitive and can…

Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of the Canada Creosote Site, Calgary
Don Lawton and Harry Jol
The application of geophysical methods for near-surface studies related to environmental monitoring has increased significantly over the past few years. Knowledge of an industrial site is now required prior to plant construction, as well as for site remediation when industrial plants are dismantled. In particular, the presence of contaminants in…

University Profile University of Waterloo
John P. Greenhouse
The Earth Sciences Department at the University of Waterloo was founded in 1965, an offshoot of Civil Engineering. Today it is one of the largest geoscience departments in Canada, with 31 faculty, 26 Adjunct faculty, and a staff of 48. Our undergraduate population is currently 197, 116 in Science and…

Earthquakes and Hydrocarbon Production Near Fort St. John, B.C.
R.B. Horner, J.E. Barclay and J.M. MacRae
Beginning in 1984, a number of earthquakes have occurred in a region of oil and gas production just north of Fort St. John, B.C. Through 1993, 24 events have been detected ranging in magnitude (M) from about M 2.5 to M 4.1. The activity over the past two years has…

Recent Advances in Gravity Acquisition and Instrumentation – Part II
Dr. Erwin Ebner
Very high quality gravity surveys have been carried out for nearly half a century now. I have personally seen small gravity survey results from the late 1940's which rival present day quality. The main reason for this lies in the care with which these surveys were acquired. It took considerable…

An Evaluation of Ground Penetrating Radar for Imaging the Near Surface Examples from Contaminant Map
Don C. Lawton and Harry M. Jol
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is becoming established as a new geophysical technique for imaging the near-surface. In this presentation, we assess GPR in terms of its application in the petroleum industry, and evaluate its capabilities for mapping a contaminated site near downtown Calgary and for delineating the internal geometry of…

3-D Survey Design by Computer
Mike Galbraith
3-D Acquisition requires careful planning. Laying out lines of receivers and lines of shots must be done with an eye to the expected results. Computer programs are now available to assist the geophysicist in this task.
3-D Survey Design by Computer
Mike Galbraith
oday's 3-D surveys can be large or small, laid in straight lines across deserts or tundra or along winding roads through forest and jungles. Because 3-D acquisition requires careful planning it is essential to analyze the complexities which naturally arise. Computer programs are now available to assist the explorationist with…

Pole Shooting
Rupert Goodhart
Surface shooting and other portable techniques were introduced to Canada to eliminate the impact of "dozing" wide seismic lines in beautiful and fragile terrain. The Foothills are not only a petroleum province with hydrocarbon resources in the many billions of dollars, but an area of scenic beauty without compare which…

1993 SEG Summer Workshop
Michael Enachescu
This year's SEG summer research workshop took place August 1-6, 1993, in Rancho Mirage, an exclusive golf and country resort situated in the southern California desert area. The day most of the participants arrived, the Palm Springs airport was shut down at 5 pm due to over-heating of the tarmac.