2763 search results for:

2014 CSEG Awards

…CSEG MEDAL The CSEG Medal was introduced in 1988 and is the highest award that the Society bestows. The CSEG Medal is given in recognition of the contribution to Exploration Geophysics by a member of the Society. It can be gained through a long-standing significant contribution to the application, teaching…

Article | May 2015

President’s Message

…Welcome to GeoConvention 2015. On behalf of the CSEG, thank you for attending, sponsoring, exhibiting, volunteering, and generally participating in this year’s GeoConvention. We recognise that this has been a tough few months for many companies and individuals and suggest that the GeoConvention theme ‘New Horizons’ is appropriate to many.…

Presidential Column | May 2015

CAGC Column

…Certainly a tough go of it out there. We are down to five (5) land seismic companies left in Canada. That was down from ten (10) a year ago and fifteen (15) or so a few years before that. Certainly crew counts are reflective of that this winter. So fingers…

CAGC Column | May 2015

Volunteer Spotlight

…Past Executive The CSEG Executive are often in the spotlight at the monthly technical luncheon, in the RECORDER or at general CSEG events but you may not see the effort put in behind the scenes or know what drives people to volunteer on the Executive. In keeping with this Executive…

Volunteer Spotlight | May 2015

Science Break: Coral

…Coral colonies create reefs stretching for hundreds of kilometres, and corals are preserved in the Earth’s rocks since the Cambrian; as geoscientists we all know that. But what do we know of the humble coral polyp? The basic facts on this amazing little creature follow. If you read no further,…

Science Break | May 2015

Tracing the Industry

…On the Move... Vic Urban is pleased to announce an affiliation with OptiSeis Solutions Ltd in the capacity of Sales and Marketing. OptiSeis is a geophysical acquisition design company experienced in all techniques used in hydrocarbon and mineral exploration and production. Their expertise provides parameter design, survey modelling, QC, and…

Tracing the Industry | May 2015


…CSEG Challenge Bowl 2015 Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 – 4:45pm to 7:00pm Macleod Hall A, South Building Calgary TELUS Convention Centre The CSEG Challenge Bowl is an action-packed geoscience quiz game for geological and geophysical CSEG student members. The Jeopardy-esque format features intense competition as contestants attempt to buzz in…

Grapevine | May 2015

President’s Message

…Over the past year I’ve had the opportunity to be mentored by many of the current Executive, a wide variety of volunteers, the CSEG staff and a few Past Presidents – thank you. The suggestions, the historical information, the contacts and the general support have all been greatly appreciated. Thank…

Presidential Column | April 2015

Executive Message

…On behalf of Tammy Willmer and myself I would like to thank all the CSEG members and volunteers who make the CSEG the growing, vibrant society it is today. As some of you know Tammy Willmer, past CSEG Director of Member Services, has recently welcomed a new baby girl, Kate…

Board Message | April 2015

CAGC Column

…Doom and gloom continues. Layoffs seem to a daily news announcement. Oil is bouncing around but as of lately has been north of $50 / bbl. I am glad to say our membership remains supportive of us their Seismic Association (CAGC). We are doing a lot these days on social…

CAGC Column | April 2015

Volunteer Spotlight

…RECORDER Committee Technical Editors Early in the month the RECORDER lands on your doorstep. If you are anything like me, you’ll unwrap it, quickly flick through to see which technical articles are presently relevant, read Tracing the Industry and Grapevine to find out what is going on and who has…

Volunteer Spotlight | April 2015

Science Break: Practical Applications of Science

…Perusing my recent articles, I realized I’ve been touching on some rather somber topics lately, such as mental illness, psychopathy, prion disease, Nazi death camps, etc. So this month I decided to lighten things up and cover some cheerful examples of how science can be applied in day-to-day ways. Astute…

Science Break | April 2015

Tracing the Industry

…For Bradley Colborne, Travis Divorski, Calvin Sinclair and Karl-Yvan Mome “THE UofA CURLERS” (right to left in photo) all currently in their 4th and final year of the Specialization Geophysics program at the University of Alberta, Doodlespiel 2015 in Banff was a very special opportunity. This was our very first…

Tracing the Industry | April 2015


…Calgary Geoscience Data Managers Network “Learn @ Lunch” Wednesday, April 15, 12pm – 1pm Katalyst Data Management has generously donated a meeting space in the Aquitaine Auditorium, +15 level of 540 – 5 Avenue SW for this and future luncheons. This session, our presentation will highlight: “Seismic Data Management” We…

Grapevine | April 2015

Brian Romans

An Interview with Brian Romans

…Q&A The title of your article is interesting and you convey an important message is that while interpreting seismic data, the scale of the features being interpreted should be kept in mind. How does it help? Does it have a bearing on the final interpretation? Considering scale during interpretation is…

Interview | April 2015

Victoria French

An Interview with Victoria French

…Q&A: You make an important comment in your article: ‘There are so many geological puzzles that can be better defined and answered through geophysical interpretation’. Could you please elaborate on this? The WCSB has a great deal of well data available; but not all areas, even if the WCSB have…

Interview | April 2015

Introduction To April Focus: Land Seismic

Rob Vestrum

…The papers in this section on Land Seismic were inspired by the Land Seismic Workshop in Banff, September 23 to 25, 2014. The workshop was jointly held by the CSEG and the EAGE, and the technical sessions included as much discussion time as presentation time. Our vision was to collect…

Focus Article | April 2015

On the use of coincident shots and receivers in Megabin geometry and in orthogonal geometry

Gijs J. O. Vermeer

…Recently two papers were published in the RECORDER that dealt with a comparison of Megabin geometry with orthogonal geometry in the context of 5D interpolation (Duncan et al., 2014; Harger and Schweigert, 2014). What struck me is the use of coincident shots and receivers in the Megabin geometries and also…

Focus Article | April 2015

The advantages of applying cableless technology: A case study in Colombia

Hector A. Alfonso

…The results and experiences from a 3D survey recently carried out by Ecopetrol and its partner Talisman, in the Llanos Basin of Colombia, are presented. More than 8000 channels patch on land were used for the first time in Colombia using cableless technology. Introduction It is well known that the…

Focus Article | April 2015

Seismic exploration in extreme topography: Acquisition for optimal imaging

Mike Hall, Peter Maxwell, and Anna Leslie

…Seismic exploration in areas of rugged and extreme topography is dangerous, difficult and expensive. Because of these environmental and economic factors it is not uncommon for data acquired in such areas to be inadequately sampled in space for imaging purposes. Also, long source-receiver offsets are often required in order to…

Focus Article | April 2015