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Editor’s Notes

…Time sure flies when you are having fun. Here it is February already, and in another month we will be a quarter of the way through the year. (It seems shorter when you look at it that way.) There has been some readjustment and strategic repositioning (budget cuts and lay-offs)…

Editor's Notes | February 1999


…Petroleum History Society As a non-profit volunteer organization, the Petroleum History Society's commitment is to disseminate and preserve the history of our energy industry. If we, or our bi-monthly newsletter "Archives" would be of interest to you, please call. There is no obligation to attend our luncheons or sponsor events.…

Grapevine | February 1999

Tracing the Industry

…Jocelyn Bradley has joined the Earth Signal Seismic Processing team of Steve and Cecily in the position of Sales and Marketing. Jocelyn can be reached at (403) 264-8722, via the fax (403) 264-8725 or email: cjbradly@cadvision.com. A best wishes for you, Jocelyn. The Excalibur-Gemini Group Ltd. is pleased to announce…

Tracing the Industry | February 1999

Profile of Larry Cameron

…There's no doubt that Larry Cameron will be working in the geophysics industry next year. After all, the Calgary-based president of Absolute Exploration Services Ltd. is a survivor. Born in Regina, Saskatchewan on June 4, 1948, Cameron was the first born child of a mother who later worked for the…

Profile | February 1999

The Seismic Velocity Model as an Interpretation Asset February 8, 1999

…Course Description A velocity model can have enduring and growing interpretive value, beyond its initial creation to optimize the seismic image. The 3D velocity model is often built carefully with a combination of geophysical and geological input, because of the accuracy demands placed on it by the requirements of depth…

Article | January 1999

Seismic Acquisition Forum 1998

Nattalia Lea

…A little bit of snow on the roads didn't deter 470 participants from stampeding down to the Calgary Convention Centre for the Seismic Acquisition Fall Forum, dubbed Before the First Shot. Industry representatives, contractors, government agencies and consultants came to network, brainstorm and share ideas. Sponsored by the Canadian Society…

Article | January 1999

Structural, stratigraphic and tectonic resolution of marine 3-D seismic data, Jeanne d'Arc Basin Offshore Newfoundland

M.E. Enachescu, G.W. Smee, P.J. Meehan, D.J. Emery, A. Skuce and L.T. Brady

…The largest seismic survey to date in Canada was acquired during the summer of 1997 in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, off Newfoundland. Over 70,000 CDP km. distributed in an area of approximately 2000 sq. km. was collected on behalf of 10 oil companies active in the area. This survey covers…

Luncheon | January 1999

Seismic Acquisition Forum, Before the First Shot

Perry Kotkas

…So I'm supposed to write a report on the Forum...? Would anybody actually want to read such a thing? Well, Nancy Shaw, President of the CSEG, said to try to make it interesting, so here goes... Some history...About a year ago, Rob Stewart called me up, "Would I be interested…

Article | January 1999

Exploration Applications of the Multipole Acoustic Log: A Case Study

Lee Hunt and Glen Hard

…Abstract This paper will illustrate the role of the full waveform acoustic log as a useful tool in the exploration cycle of the example well. This cycle, as illustrated in figure 1 below, includes the petrophysical evaluation of a newly drilled location, the seismic inversion work that was used to…

Article | January 1999

Superfund: Calgary Science Teachers Survive Hurricane Frances

Nattalia Lea

…While many CSEG members were putting around in Banff at this past year's Doodlebug, Bill Batycky was getting some first hand experience on what life with hurricanes was all about. Batycky, curriculum specialist for the Calgary Board of Education, was one of the two Calgary teachers sponsored by the CSEG…

Article | January 1999

Editor’s Notes

…Finally, the holiday season is over! No more last minute shopping trips. No more traffic jams (hopefully) for another year. We have just wrapped up a long year facing oil prices – occasionally plunging below that of 1986. That translates to the least number of active seismic exploration crews seen…

Editor's Notes | January 1999


…Customized Training for LogM & Other GMA Software GMA International Ltd. Has been providing geophysical software for 15 years. At present, LogM with GeoFeatures is our most popular product offering almost endless capabilities in well editing synthetic creation. cross-section generation and stratigraphic modelling. GMAplus 2D/3D, STRUCT, MWLA and AVO Synthetics…

Grapevine | January 1999

Tracing the Industry

…Jocelyn Bradley has joined the Earth Signal Seismic Processing team of Steve and Cecily in the position of Sales and Marketing. Jocelyn can be reached at (403) 264-8722, via the fax (403) 264-8725 or email: cjbradly@cadvision.com. A best wishes for you, Jocelyn. The Excalibur-Gemini Group Ltd. is pleased to announce…

Tracing the Industry | January 1999

Profile of Murray Olson

…Murray Olson is more concerned about his performance as a corporate leader than chatting about his personal life. "I'm a pretty serious person," says the 48-year-old president and chief executive officer of Enertec Services Inc. who is bracing for some tough times ahead. But adversity is not something Olson shies…

Profile | January 1999

The structural style and seismic image of thrust related folding in the southern Canadian Cordillera

Paul A. MacKay

…The structural style of the southern Canadian Cordillera is dominated by thrust faults. Associated with the thrust faults are folds, typically a hanging wall anticline and a footwall syncline. Examples of thrust-related folds are exposed in outcrop throughout the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. In outcrop these folds are characterized as…

Luncheon | December 1998

Destination Mars

Nattalia Lea

…The planet Mars is a mere 100 million miles away from Earth. Yet for 1,676 persons on the evening of October 6, this distance seemed insignificant at the Destination Mars CSPG/CSEG joint presentation. Here, results from the Mars Pathfinder Mission of July 1997 were revealed. Everyone gawked at the extra-ordinary…

Article | December 1998

Anisotropic Pre-Stack Depth Migration

Jennifer M. Leslie and Don C. Lawton

…Seismic anisotropy is the variation of velocity with direction. This phenomenon may affect time-to-depth conversions of seismic data which, in turn, will result in incorrect images of subsurface structures. This misrepresentation can seriously alter the location of exploration targets. By studying seismic anisotropy, one can better assess a play target,…

Article | December 1998

Editor’s Notes

…Seasons Greetings to all, and may the next year be a healthy and prosperous one. An ancient Chinese curse says, "May you live in interesting times." The author may have coined that phrase just for the Oil Industry. It certainly looks like we will have some interesting times ahead. Single…

Editor's Notes | December 1998


…Integra Merges with Scott Pickford Calgary-based, employee-owned Integra Geoservices has successfully completed a merger transaction with U.K.-based Scott Pick ford Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Core Laboratories, a large international company with over 60 years in the petroleum industry. Management and staff of Integra will not change. The operations of…

Grapevine | December 1998

Tracing the Industry

…Katheen Dorey formerly with Ulster would like to announce to the industry that she is now at Sheehan Energy Inc. Exploration and Consulting as President. Kathleen brings a wealth of industry experience. She can be reached at (403) 263-5506 or via fax (403) 263-8119. Good luck with the new company…

Tracing the Industry | December 1998