2763 search results for:

Profile of Joe Little Sr.

…Unless we're talking about Canadian politics, Joe Little Sr., isn't about to get too riled about anything nowadays . The easy-going hard-working nice guy next door gets along with 99 percent of the people he meets. With in the oilpatch, Little's reputation has been a long the lines of geophysical…

Profile | December 1998

Executive Comments

…Like some geophysical Rod Serling, I present the following for your consideration: 1. By the time many of our members read this article, the Novernber Technical Luncheon will be past. All those present heard the final accounting on the very successful GeoTriad '98. The GeoTriad Committee has performed well beyond…

Board Message | December 1998

Slip Slidin’ Away – Some Practical Implications of Seismic Velocity Anisotropy on Depth Imaging

Don Lawton, Helen Isaac, Jennifer Leslie and Rob Vestrum

…We can no longer ignore seismic velocity anisotropy in seismic data processing. Laboratory and field studies have provided compelling evidence that shales exhibit intrinsic transverse isotropy (TI), in which the seismic velocity parallel to the laminations is greater than that perpendicular to the layering, with the difference being as high…

Luncheon | November 1998

Geo-Triad ‘98 – A More Relaxed and Pensive Perspective

Doug Uffen

…It was one eventful day in May 1996, when Jim Reimer called me up. He told me of a project that the CSPG, CSEG and the CWLS wished to conduct. In 1998, the three societies were to hold a joint convention. I think I remember agreeing to help out. So…

Article | November 1998

SEG ‘98 – Geophysics in The Big Easy

Nancy Shaw

…It's only September 20th, but the International Exposition and Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting of Society of Exploration Geophysicists is already in the can. For those people who didn't get a chance to visit New Orleans, the Indian summer weather in Calgary was more hospitable than the heat and humidity of New…

Article | November 1998

Editor’s Notes

…When the CSEG approached me almost two years ago, I never expected the production editorial work would be this exciting and challenging! And I'd like to share this experience with you. The objectives of the Recorder committee are to improve its contents, format, and distribution; while ensuring that this geophysical…

Editor's Notes | November 1998


…Max Peeters Appointed Baker Hughes Distinguished Professor of Borehole Geophysics/Petrophysics at the Colorado School of Mines The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) and its Department of Geophysics, along with Baker Hughes, are pleased to announce the appointment of Max Peeters as the first occupant of this chair. Professor Peeters will…

Grapevine | November 1998

Tracing the Industry

…Arcis Processing is pleased to announce the recent additions to their strong and growing processing team. Doug Gillrie, Senior Sales Representative, with over 30 years industry experience joins Arcis to promote the company and make its services known to the industry. Doug can be reached at (403) 298-4793 or via…

Tracing the Industry | November 1998

Executive Comments

…Having been asked by your Recorder editor to submit a column for this month's issue the first and most important question that pops into my mind is..."What the heck will I write about?" Don't misunderstand my situation here; I am quite capable of expounding on just about any topic at…

Board Message | November 1998

General Hospital Implosion

Nattalia Lea

…To join in the thrill of history in the making, an urban seismic survey was conducted by the University of Calgary's Geology and Geophysics Department to record the effects of the Calgary General Hospital Implosion. Such an idea was conceived by Walter Andreeff, a first year science student. It was…

Article | November 1998

Profile of Norm Cooper

…Perhaps, fate would have it that Norm Cooper's life would unfold so that he would end up gallivanting around globe as a geophysical consultant. "I really feel that I haven't just lived one life, but many different lives," Cooper says in hindsight. Certainly, the nomadic life he experienced growing up…

Profile | November 1998

Rock Physics for the “Real World”

Rosemary Knight

…Geophysical methods are widely used in the earth sciences to obtain information about regions of the subsurface that we cannot directly sample. Determining the way in which the measured geophysical parameters are related to the material properties of interest (e.g. lithology, porosity, fluid content) is the objective of rock physics…

Luncheon | October 1998

Web News

Nattalia Lea

…Little did Malcolm Bertram know five years ago, that his early efforts to establish the CSEG's web presence would come of age. Back then, the New Zealand-born U of C's geophysics technician and computer systems administrator recalls, "It took awhile to get things going because in the early days, people…

Article | October 1998

Early Devonian Oil Discoveries in Western Canada

…When I wrote The Richness of Discovery a history of Amoco Canada – my research helped uncover two documents that I believe are of considerable historical significance. Both were type-written, both are rare. My presentation today will deal primarily with these two documents. British geologist Dr. T.O. Boswell prepared one…

Article | October 1998

The CSEG Superfund Setting Precedent for Better Things

Nattalia Lea

…Three years ago, former CSEG treasurer, Susan Eaton, debated over the future of a wad of money deposited in the CSEG bank account. "The money was in guaranteed interest certificates, earning very little interest," recalls Eaton. "It seemed to me that the money wasn't doing anything to make the organization…

Article | October 1998


…SERCEL Establishes a New Organization SERCEL has appointed Pascal ROUILLER as Senior Executive Vice President of the Group and Jean-Maurice DALONGEVILLE as Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary. Jean-Maurice DALONGEVILLE was previously the Investor Relations & Audit Manager of Compagnie Generale de Geophysique. Following these appointments, Bob ALBERS has been…

Grapevine | October 1998

Tracing the Industry

…Tom Charlton and Richard Chan would like to announce they have returned from Pulsonic Nigeria. Tom will resume his duties as a project leader in CTC Pulsonic's land processing department. Richard will fill a position as a processor in CTC Pulsonic's marine processing department. Both can be reached by phoning…

Tracing the Industry | October 1998

Executive Comments

…I'm penning this note at the beginning of September. The cubicles where our summer student employees sat for three months are empty. The coffee station banter about wild party weekends is over, too. I didn't think I'd miss the "kids" when their jobs finished and they returned to school. Like…

Board Message | October 1998

Seismic Reservoir Characterization (Sable Basin)

Robert Whale

…The Sable Offshore Energy Project is a multi-company endeavor that formed in order to develop approximately five TCF of gas, contained in six fields in the Sable Basin of offshore eastern Canada. The reservoir sandstones in the Sable fields are late Jurassic and early Cretaceous in age and are interpreted…

Luncheon | September 1998

Geo-Triad ‘98 Rocks, Risk, Reward

Nattalia Lea

…It poured the night before. Oil prices plunged to anorexic levels on the previous Friday. And conference organizers, were neophytes, when it came to masterminding and executing the largest convention of its kind in Calgary for the last century. Never before had a joint convention been held , culminating the…

Article | September 1998