On with the month's news.

Tom Charlton and Richard Chan would like to announce they have returned from Pulsonic Nigeria. Tom will resume his duties as a project leader in CTC Pulsonic's land processing department. Richard will fill a position as a processor in CTC Pulsonic's marine processing department. Both can be reached by phoning (403) 571-1555 or via fax (403) 571-1550.

Dave Chown would like his friends and colleagues to know that he is now with Veritas as Senior Sales Manager, Geophysical Processing. The following numbers will put you in touch with Dave via phone (403) 205-6520 or fax (403) 205-6400 or email d_chown@veritasdgc. com. A best wishes for you Dave.

Mr. Steve Matthews, General Manager for Peace Helicopters Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Nick Gooliaff to the position of Marketing Manager. Nick has recently retired from a major oil company and brings with him 41 years experience in the oil industry, he can be reached in the Calgary office at (403) 252-2950 or via cell (403) 651-5932. Good luck in your new position Nick.

Aubrey Kerr will be inducted into the Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame, September 11th, in recognition of his historical research. His research includes four self-published books on the oil patch, namely, Atlantic No.3 1948, Corridors of Time, Leduc and Redwater, as well as, numerous excerpts published in the Recorder and several industry magazines and publications. Aubrey continues to contribute valuable incite to our industry and its colorful history. Congratulations from all your friends and colleagues.

Gary Larentz would like to let his clients know that he is hiding out in Nigeria. Gary is working as the centre manager with CTC Pulsonic Nigeria Ltd. Gary can Be reached by Telephone at +234-1-261-9019, fax +234-1 261-9019 or email pnl@linkserve.com.ng.

Ken Mitchell would like to announce to the industry that he is now with Pioneer Resources as Area Manager, Northern group. The following numbers will put you in touch with Kenneth via phone (403) 231-3192 or fax (403) 231-3265 A best wishes for you Ken.

Nancy Shaw is pleased to announce to the industry that she is now with Integra Geoservices as Manager, Sales and Marketing. The following numbers will put you in touch with Nancy via phone (403) 294-5127 or fax (403) 264-4375 email nshaw@integrageo.com A best wishes for you Nancy.

Kenneth Umbach would like to announce that he has joined AEC International Business Unit as Senior Geophysicist. Ken was previously with PanCanadian International. You can contact Ken via phone (403) 261-2400 or fax (403) 266-4414. Good luck with your new position Ken and I hope you enjoy the change.

Something to ponder.

The difference between a mirror and a fool: A mirror reflects without speaking.

We are born with two eyes, but with one tongue, in order that we should see twice as much as what we say.



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