Like some geophysical Rod Serling, I present the following for your consideration:

1. By the time many of our members read this article, the Novernber Technical Luncheon will be past. All those present heard the final accounting on the very successful GeoTriad '98. The GeoTriad Committee has performed well beyond expectation. This performance was certainly evident at the Convention itself, as well as in the financial results.

2. In a seemingly unrelated incident, earlier this year, the SEG Distinguished Lecturer Series filled the Westin Hotel Ballroom to near-capacity, Ian Jack had successfully lured most of the working geophysicists away from their workstations (or pencil sharpens) long enough to tutor them in the ways of Time Lapse Seismic. One wonders if it was Ian Jack's reputation, the subject matter, the PRICING of this event (free to SEG/CSEG members) or new APEGGA Continuing Professional Development requirements that was responsible for this overwhelming participation.

3. Meanwhile, the CSEG Scholarship Committee has concluded that the best way to manage a bumper crop of highly qualified applicants for the 1998/99 year is to increase the number of awards from 17 to 21. And, in response to increasing costs of tuition, and other essentials of student life, your CSEG Executive and the Scholarship Committee are evaluating an increase in the value of CSEG co-sponsored Scholarships. There is no truth to the rumour that this has fueled a recent rally in shares of Molson and Labbat's.

4. And in some dark back rooms of the Geophysical Industry, planning and execution for a one-day seminar on the planning of seismic surveys, code-named "Before the First Shot, has just completed". Co-sponsored by your CSEG and the CAGC, the program offered participants an excellent opportunity to learn about the critical decisions that lead to successful field surveys. Were you be among the select few that will participate in this expose?

5. Elsewhere in our fair land, crusading Geophysical-types toil under the banner of the CSEG Superfund, seeking out "projects that are worthy". Many have already been found and funded, but the tireless quest continues. Wherever funds are needed to support one-time, special initiatives to service the furtherment of our science, there stands Superfund at the ready.

6. You will also note that this year the annual CSPG Public Presentation was a joint CSPG/CSEG event: "Destination Mars" was held on October 6 at the Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary. Although the CSPG has carried this popular scientific event for many years, it is interesting that the original event was a CSEG conception. It is a delight that we can share this showcase event with our colleagues at CSPG and the rest of Calgary.

7. Our emerging Web Site Committee has been breaking new ground in cyber space and the CSEG and it's sponsors are eager to lend financial support where needed. Look forward to some exciting innovations from our Web Site at a monitor near you soon. (

No we are not entering some geo-Twilight Zone, rather, each of the above demonstrate the dynamic that is the CSEG.

Through the excellent work of our many volunteers, we organize technical forums and events that serve our members. Because of our generous sponsors and through sound financial management, the CSEG accomplishes all this and still produces fiscal surpluses. In turn, the surplus is reinvested into new programs and services. Alas, we all live in the unpredictable world of natural resource exploitation, if not academia, government or environmental service. We all know the sting of the cutback and the malaise of the downturn. And with an eye to the risks of lean years, the CSEG endeavours to protect our ongoing projects with a little financial reserve.

There will be times that our dependable sponsors must exercise restraint in their funding of our Conventions, the Recorder and our many other projects. In the event of an industry slowdown, the CSEG is financially prepared to continue these popular services to the membership and to the community.

Meanwhile, your CSEG executive looks for new ways to service and reinvest in the membership. Your ideas and feedback are important and we sincerely want to hear them. We're on the Web at and "operators are standing by" at 262-0015 in Calgary, or simply button-hole one of our friendly executive at the next CSEG sponsored event.



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