2763 search results for:

Geophysical Exploration Beneath the Phanerozoic Cover of the Flin Flon – Snow Lake VMS Belt

Bob Lo

…Abstract The exploration history of the discovery of two deposits beneath the Phanerozoic cover of the Flin Flon – Snow Lake volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) Belt in Manitoba and Saskatchewan is presented. Due to a lack of outcrops of the host rocks, geophysical exploration techniques were key to the discoveries.…

Focus Article | June 2019

Comparisons of Geophysical and Medical Imaging

Larry Lines and Joan Embleton

…Geophysical and medical imaging are of great importance to society. In the case of geophysical imaging, we record waves passing through the Earth to image the Earth’s interior in search of anomalies to help in the exploration for petroleum and minerals. In the case of medical imaging, we image the…

Article | June 2019

President’s Message

…As the 2019 President of the Canadian Society of Geophysicists (CSEG), I first want to thank all our staff, Board of Directors (BOD), committee chairs and volunteers for uniting their efforts to promote the science of geophysics and fellowship. It is my privilege and honor to serve with you and…

Presidential Column | June 2019

CAGC Column

…The end game – a call to action Having just watched Marvel Studios’ movie “Avengers, End Game” with my son, which is probably well on its way to becoming one of the most watched movies of all time, it got me thinking about which superhero I would like to be.…

CAGC Column | June 2019

Editor’s Message

…The Stampede theme this year – Women in Western Culture The theme for the Stampede this year is saluting women in western culture. On that note, it is appropriate to salute the women who were pioneers in geoscience. One of the first female mineralogists was the Baroness de Beausoleil, Martine…

Editor's Notes | June 2019

Science Break: The Human Ear

…Compared to our other sensory organs, the human ear has always struck me as odd. We are delivered touch, smell, sight, and taste in such a seamless, integrated way that it’s almost magical. In comparison, the ear seems to be a home handyman job! I can relate to that, and…

Science Break | June 2019

Tracing the Industry

…Corporate Grapevine Jason Noble is pleased to announce he has formed a new seismic processing company in Calgary. Headwaters Seismic Processing is a boutique full service processing center offering 2D and 3D prestack time migration, 2D prestack depth migration and full AVO compliance through 5D regularization and PSTM. By leveraging…

Tracing the Industry | June 2019

Introduction to April Focus: Data & Data Management

Brian Schulte

…Welcome to the printed GeoConvention edition of the RECORDER. The focus is “Data and Data Management”. It is amazing how many articles were gathered by Special Coordinator Trudy Curtis and Technical Editor Kristy Manchul. Trudy and Kristy began gathering material for this back in October. As with all our editions,…

Focus Article | April 2019

New Canadian Well Identifier System

Floy Baird and Sue Carr

…It’s 1965, and a new standard is being rolled out in the Canadian petroleum industry. Designed by industry, for industry and adopted as a standard by the Canadian Petroleum Association (CPA), it became known as the CPA UWI (unique well identifier). In 1965, Lester B. Pearson is the Prime Minister…

Focus Article | April 2019

Google Your Way to Maximimum Geoscientific Value

Marc J. Boulet

…Although there is an exponential increase in data collection within oil and gas companies, access to the data for meaningful subsurface interpretation is constrained by the limited toolkits many geoscientists have at their disposal. We propose some methodologies and open-source software tools that can provide more efficient access to structured…

Focus Article | April 2019

E&P Companies, Different Types of Data, Fairway Mapping and Geomodels

Brian Wm. Schulte

…E&P companies are looking at data differently than they did in the past. The reason why they are doing this is because data drives big economical decisions, including the sanctioning of a new play, which is when the Board decides to spend a large amount of money on the development…

Focus Article | April 2019

Geophysical Data Compliancy – Utilizing Technology

Sue Carr and Trish Mulder

…Geophysical data compliancy means only using data you are entitled to use for an implicitly defined purpose and timeframe. Geophysical / seismic data is complex, as it is an image of a defined position on the earth. That representation is multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and geographically based consisting of raw and interpretation…

Focus Article | April 2019

The Future of Data and Data Management Trudy Curtis

Trudy Curtis

…Attenuation refers to the degradation of signal strength as it decays over time, across distance, or through interference. Working out what causes attenuation takes lots of time and patience. But it’s worth the effort to solve the problem, because doing so strengthens customer trust and loyalty. Oil and gas data…

Focus Article | April 2019

The Cloud: ASK Before You ACT

Gary Roy

…CGG Smart Data Solutions, like many other service providers in the E&P sector, has seen a transformation of data management from a support function to a value generator for our clients. Companies are expecting service providers to deliver solutions to enable their E&P digitalization strategies, as they move towards adopting…

Focus Article | April 2019

Marco Perez

An Interview with Marco Perez

…Marco, tell us something about your background, what all you did, where you have worked and what you are doing now? I started undertaking geophysics as a graduate student at the University of Calgary in 1999. I had just finished my undergraduate degree in Physics at McGill University and had…

Interview | April 2019

Board of Directors’ Message

…2018/19 continues to be a scary time for the oil and gas business in Calgary. With three levels of government straining to understand the oil and gas business, a downtown office vacancy rate of greater than 50% and our inability to adequately sell our oil and gas commodities beyond our…

Board Message | April 2019

CAGC Column: Hindsight is 20/20, Foresight is 2020: A Year Of Opportunity to Get it Right

…I am writing this during a “booth duty” break in the ESfS (Earth Science for Society) event. The event introduces Earth Sciences to the youth of Calgary. The kids are mostly aged from 4 to 16 years old, and are from school groups, Guides, Scouts and the public. It is…

CAGC Column | April 2019

Tracing the Industry

…On the Move Carrie Youszwishen would like to share that she has accepted a position with Sinopec Canada and may be reached at Carrie.Youzwishen@sinopeccanada.com. Emerson (formerly Paradigm) is pleased to welcome Dennis Ellison to our team. In his role as Technical Advisor – Geophysics, Dennis will focus on promoting Emerson’s…

Tracing the Industry | April 2019

Introduction to March Focus: Atlantic Region

Omid Aghaei

…The Canadian East Coast, featuring the interplay between heatflow, stretching, faulting, and synrift sedimentation, is the focus of our March issue. We have received five major contributions: two from academia and three from industry. The papers from academia are from Dr. Mladen R. Nedimović at the Department of Earth Sciences,…

Focus Article | March 2019

Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrumentation in Canada

Mladen R. Nedimović

…Canada belongs to an elite club of a handful of countries that successfully developed and used autonomous ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs). Yet, with the decommissioning of the Canadian short period OBS pool in 2015 due to old age and retirement of researchers with OBS knowledge, Canada was on the verge of…

Focus Article | March 2019