2763 search results for:

Advances in “True Volume” Interpretation of Structure and Stratigraphy in 3D Volumes

Geoffrey A. Dorn

…Abstract The use of 3-D seismic interpretation and visualization in today’s industry has become pervasive in exploration and development. All modern 3-D interpretation systems and many well path planning systems use 3-D visualization as the base display for the interaction required to conduct the work at hand. However, the tools…

Luncheon | February 2011

Integration of Surface Seismic and Microseismic Part 2: Understanding Hydraulic Fracture Variability

Shawn Maxwell, David Cho and Mark Norton

…Summary Integration of microseismicity and reservoir properties has been used to design better well placement, improved stimulations and enhanced production of wells in the Montney shale in NE British Columbia, Canada. In a companion paper, observations were presented of how reservoir heterogeneity in terms of Poisson’s ratio and pre-existing faults…

Focus Article | February 2011

Mixed-phase wavelet estimation – A case study

Somanath Misra and Satinder Chopra

…Introduction An accurate estimation of wavelet is crucial in the deconvolution of seismic data. As per the convolution model, the recorded seismic trace is the result of convolution of the earth’s unknown reflectivity series with the propagating seismic source wavelet along with the additive noise. The deconvolution of the source…

Article | February 2011

Presidential Column

…CSEG 2010-11 Elections: Results are final... It started back in September with the nomination committee creating a list of potential candidates. By the end of October the confirmed candidates were writing their biographies for publication in the December RECORDER. The election started in December and ballots closed on January 15th.…

Presidential Column | February 2011

Executive Message

…I have a good feeling about this upcoming year. My flight took off a few minutes ago from the Houston airport, barely escaping an impending snowstorm bearing down on the city and threatening to shut down the airport within the hour. So the phrase “knick of time” will carry a…

Board Message | February 2011

CAGC Column

…Quarter 1 of 2011 looks to be a decent quarter for seismic in Canada. We have seen the number of seismic companies reduced in 2010 through mergers and bankruptcies. However the number of crews out in January harkens back to crew numbers from a couple of years ago. Less companies…

CAGC Column | February 2011

CSEG Foundation Outreach

…Earth Science for Society 2011 Earth Science for Society (ESfS) is a vibrant showcase of the Earth Sciences with hands-on activities and dynamic demonstrations for people of all ages and interests. It was such a huge success in 2010 that it will be held again this year, as part of…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | February 2011

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Apoterra Seismic Processing is pleased to announce that Dr. Xishuo Wang has joined their team as a Senior Researcher. Xishuo is well known in seismic processing circles for leading edge software development, especially in the areas of deconvolution, noise attenuation, and prestack interpolation. Apoterra (www.apoterra.com) is committed…

Tracing the Industry | February 2011


…Happy February… I am anticipating that this edition of the RECORDER will hit your desks right around the time I am hitting the beach in Kailua. Just saying… aloha! I just wanted to do a quick promo for our two CSEG publications… and a quick appeal for paper submissions. “Send…

Grapevine | February 2011

Basim Faraj

An Interview with Basim Faraj

…Basim, let’s begin by asking you about your early education and your work experience. Yes, it seems a long time ago but I received my Bachelor’s in Jordan. I lived my early years in Jordan and got my B.Sc. from the Science College in The University of Jordan in Amman.…

Interview | February 2011

Quantitative estimates of fracture density variations: further perspectives

Lee Hunt, Scott Reynolds, Tyson Brown, and Scott Hadley; Jon Downton and Satinder Chopra

…Summary We have undertaken a quantitative investigation of the accuracy of surface seismic attributes in predicting fracture density variations within the Nordegg Formation in West Central Alberta. These results were first discussed at the GeoCanada 2010 convention (Hunt et al, 2010) and also published in The Leading Edge (Hunt et…

Luncheon | January 2011

Integration of Surface Seismic and Microseismic for the Characterization of a Shale Gas Reservoir

Mark Norton, Wayne Hovdebo, David Cho, Shawn Maxwell, Mike Jones

…Summary Unconventional resources such as shale and tight gas plays require engineering disciplines to develop solutions to achieve economic production levels. However, reservoir heterogeneity as seen in various forms of data has prompted for a better understanding of reservoir properties to optimize drilling and completion programs. Seismic methods for reservoir…

Focus Article | January 2011

Shale Gas and Geophysical Developments

Dave Monk, David Close, Marco Perez, and Bill Goodway

…Introduction Natural gas has an eclectic mix of interest groups promoting its increased utilization. Environmentalists are focused on the reductions in CO2 and particulate emissions relative to coal for base electricity generation. North American based gas suppliers stress the increased energy security of using domestic energy sources and the potential…

Focus Article | January 2011

The Shale Mystery Tour (Europe)

John Logel

…Shale gas is nothing new to North America. The first known shale producing well was in New York State in 1820. Although, if you look at conferences, journal articles, and contractor offerings; it might appear to be a new and exciting area of oil and gas business. The change occurred…

Focus Article | January 2011

Rainer Tonn

An Interview with Rainer Tonn

…Rainer, tell us about your early education and your work experience. First of all thanks a lot for inviting me; it is a pleasure to be here and to be “quizzed”. The University of Kiel was my alma mater of choice. Not only had Kiel an excellent reputation for Geophysics…

Interview | January 2011

Presidential Column

…Seeing as how it will be January when this column is published, I hope you have had a wonderful holiday and are beginning to crank things up for the busy season. I also hope (and expect) that most seismic crews in Canada are working and will stay busy at least…

Presidential Column | January 2011

Executive Message

…Welcome to 2011! 2011 is proving to be an interesting year for our Society. As we start to turn the clubhouse corner of our elected year, Directors are looking forward to retirement, Assistant Directors are readying to take on their new roles and the incoming newly-elects are preparing to face…

Board Message | January 2011

CAGC Column

…World oil demand for 2010 is almost certain to exceed the previous all time high reached in 2007, according to provisional data for the third quarter of this year from Wood Mackenzie, the independent energy and metals research consultancy. It forecasts world oil demand in 2010 will likely reach an…

CAGC Column | January 2011

CSEG Foundation Outreach

…Outreach volunteers hosted or participated in several interesting events in late 2010 to market the CSEG to the public and to students, both secondary and post-secondary. The active and enthusiastic University Student Outreach subcommittee continues to promote student activities, fellowship and CSEG membership across the country, often in conjunction with…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | January 2011

Tracing the Industry

…Happy New Year! I realized last week that 2011 will be the first year that I have not been on a committee with Doug Colvin (Statcom Ltd.) since 2003. Doug served on both the Exhibits and JGF committees with me. His support, encouragement and hard work were invaluable. I could…

Tracing the Industry | January 2011