2763 search results for:

Mike Corrigan

An Interview with Mike Corrigan

…[Satinder]: Mike let’s begin by asking you to speak about your educational background and your work experience. Okay. I graduated from High School in Ontario in 1973. I attended Sault College in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario taking the Geologic Technician Program, and graduated in 1975. Upon graduation I started working…

Interview | June 2011

In Her Geophysical Shoes

An Interview with a panel of experienced women in the geophysical industry

…How did some of the top women geophysicists manage having families while also pursuing their professional career? Did they take time off to have kids, did they feel that they were held back in their careers by having a family (i.e. – did men or women who didn’t take maternity…

Interview | June 2011

Executive Message

…This executive column marks my final act as your Past President (though in actual fact, due to the vagaries of the publishing schedule, I write this as Past Past President). Over the last year, one of my key responsibilities was to chair the Honours and Awards Committee. This year, in…

Board Message | June 2011

CAGC Column

…“Safety is not proprietary. And for this reason ExxonMobil shares its best practices within our industry and across other industries. We seek to learn from others.” Testimony of Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil, Hearing before the National Commission, November 9, 2010. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill (also referred…

CAGC Column | June 2011

Through the Eyes of a Student

…In my previous column I spoke about how impressed I was with the support that the industry provided students of geophysics. I would like to reiterate that notion by telling you about the UofC Earth Science Squash Tournament. The idea came to me when I was playing in the CSPG…

Through the Eyes of a Student | June 2011

Tracing the Industry

…The convention is over and summer is on its way. As you know, the RECORDER does not publish in July or August. But you can still send me announcements for the September issue. I had the pleasure of sharing my experiences with the Junior Geophysicists Forum with our sister society…

Tracing the Industry | June 2011


…Happy June! Is it summer yet? I wonder (by the time this magazine reaches your desk) if the Canucks will have actually won the Stanley Cup and if Winnipeg is getting an NHL team back… hmmmm… can you tell I’ve become addicted to hockey pools? Whatever. It’s June. It’s time…

Grapevine | June 2011

Integrated fluid-flow, geomechanic and seismic modelling for reservoir characterisation

D.A. Angus, J.P. Verdon, Q.J. Fisher, J-M. Kendall, J.M. Segura, T.G. Kristiansen, A.J.L. Crook, S. Skachkov, J. Yu and M. Dutko

…1. Introduction Solutions to large number of problems facing the petroleum industry during exploration, appraisal and production require integration of knowledge and workflows from a range of disciplines including geology, petroleum engineering, geomechanics, rock physics, petro-physics and geophysics; in the future CO2 storage projects will also require such an integrated…

Focus Article | May 2011

Geomechanics: Bridging the Gap from Geophysics to Engineering in Unconventional Reservoirs

Kurt Wikel

…Introduction Oilfield Geomechanics has a broad range of definitions, and depending on who you ask you may get a different answer. To this author, in its simplest form, it encompasses the study of how stresses and strains within the earth affect what we drill into and explore for. The magnitude…

Focus Article | May 2011

One “Grasshopper” at a time

John Fernando

…As the academic year at SAIT comes to a close with all that is left being the grading of final exams and submitting of the grades, it is a time to reflect on my memories of yesteryear. I attended the 2010 SEG convention for the first time during my career…

Article | May 2011

The New Wave in Geophysics

Tom Sneddon

…Recently, John Townsley, P.Geoph. who is now Past-President of the CSEG, wrote at length about the changing demographic landscape in the geophysics profession and industry sector. His point of departure was an address to the APEGGA Calgary Branch by Kim Farwell, P.Eng., APEGGA President. The “good news” portion of his…

Article | May 2011

Presidential Column

…Well I can finally see some hints of summer arriving – and by the time this is published we should be well into camping and golfing weather. It’s been a long drawn out winter and everyone is anxiously looking forward to nicer climes. Hopefully by the time this edition of…

Presidential Column | May 2011

Executive Message

…What has happened to our spring this year! Hopefully the scent of lilacs will soon be in the air and the tulips will be in bloom by the time you read this! I am very much looking forward to my time in office as Director of Communications. A year ago…

Board Message | May 2011

CAGC Column

…In June 2008 I wrote a column for the RECORDER on the Price at the Pump versus Driving Behaviour. Some of the excerpts are noted below. Arc Financial Corp had an article written by Peter Tertzakian and Kara Baynton in their May 5, 2008 Newsletter on the Social Dynamics of…

CAGC Column | May 2011

Through the Eyes of a Student

…When I was approached to write a column outlining my thoughts and experiences as I work towards an undergraduate degree in Geophysics, my mind (and heart) started racing. I felt an overwhelming sense of excitement, realizing that future employers, colleagues and friends would read about my adventures as I climb…

Through the Eyes of a Student | May 2011

CSEG Foundation Outreach

…The 2011 Advances in Earth Science Research Conference at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario By Michael Smorodin AESRC 2011 was hosted by Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, from March 25th to 27th. This marked the 10th anniversary of the student-run conference which has a mandate to provide an unintimidating forum where…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | May 2011

Tracing the Industry

…There is a new column in the RECORDER this month. It is called “Through the Eyes of a Student” by Roger Smith. Roger is a first year geophysics student at the University of Calgary. I really enjoyed the column and urge you to check it out. It has been awhile…

Tracing the Industry | May 2011


…Happy May!… What’s happening at the start of May 2011? The Federal election is looming (a friend of mine predicted that more people would be watching the Stanley Cup playoffs than will vote on May 2nd… urgh. Sad, but likely true.), the USA just announced the death of Bin Laden…

Grapevine | May 2011

David Gray (2011)

An Interview with David Gray

…David, tell us about your educational qualifications and your work experience. I started in a Geophysics program. I knew I wanted to do Geophysics coming out of High School. I should think that’s fairly unusual. I started in Geophysics at the University of Western Ontario in 1980. They have a…

Interview | May 2011

Carl Sondergeld

An Interview with Carl Sondergeld

…Carl, for the benefit of our members, could I ask you to speak a little about your educational background and work experience? I have a BA and MA from Queens College of CUNY in Geology and a Ph.D. from Cornell University in Geophysics. I did a Master’s thesis under Prof.…

Interview | May 2011