2763 search results for:

Virtual source method for imaging and monitoring below complex overburden

Andrey Bakulin

…Increasing overburden complexity can eventually destroy any type of surface imaging. While it may become intractable to unravel complex wave propagation in processing, it is always possible to capture it with measurement. The virtual source method uses surface shots with downhole receivers placed below the most complex part of the…

Luncheon | April 2011

Compressive sensing in seismic exploration: an outlook on a new paradigm

Felix J. Herrmann, Haneet Wason, and Tim T.Y. Lin

…Part 1 of this paper is adapted from Randomized sampling and sparsity: getting more information from fewer samples. Geophysics 75, WB173 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.350614. Abstract Many seismic exploration techniques rely on the collection of massive data volumes that are subsequently mined for information during processing. While this approach has been extremely…

Focus Article | April 2011

Neural network analysis and impedance inversion – Case study

Somanath Misra and Satinder Chopra

…Summary Inversion of post-stack seismic data is routinely done to obtain information about the P-wave impedance, which provides reliable information about the reservoir lithological properties. The most commonly used method for estimating P-impedance from the seismic traces is the model based inversion. This method requires an initial model and a…

Article | April 2011

Interesting pursuits in seismic curvature attribute analysis

Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt

…Summary Since they are second-order derivatives, seismic curvature attributes can enhance subtle information that may be difficult to see using first-order derivatives such as the dip magnitude and the dip-azimuth attributes. As a result, these attributes form an integral part of most seismic interpretation projects. In this article we discuss…

Article | April 2011

Presidential Column

…I want to start out my first column as President of the CSEG by extending my personal gratitude to all of our volunteers who help run your society. April 10-16 marks Canada’s 68th National Volunteer Week, paying tribute to the millions of Canadians who graciously volunteer their time and energy.…

Presidential Column | April 2011

Executive Message

…A year ago when I submitted my executive report, it was the one part of the job that I knew I wouldn’t miss when my term came up in March of this year. The last two years on the executive were very rewarding and I want to thank all the…

Board Message | April 2011

CAGC Column

…In late 2010 the three Western Provinces of BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan signed an Energy MOU called the New West Partnership. Following that they invited various Trade Associations to submit written proposals on areas of importance that the three Provinces could work towards. The following was the CAGC submission: Honourable…

CAGC Column | April 2011

Tracing the Industry

…This year’s GeoConvention, recovery 2011 has two new social events: the Monday Night After Party and the Tuesday Night Social Event. The Monday Night After Party is combining with the Under 35 Networking Event. Tickets for both events are $15 and you can purchase them online at www.geoconvention.org. Both events…

Tracing the Industry | April 2011


…Happy Spring! As this is our convention issue, I would like to encourage everyone to make the effort to come down to the CSEG/CSPG/CWLS joint convention, this year entitled (hopefully appropriately!) “recovery 2011”. Apart from luncheons, golf tournaments, seasonal parties, ski trips and curling bonspiels, this is one of the…

Grapevine | April 2011

Rob McGrory

An Interview with Rob McGrory

…Please tell us about your educational background and your work experience. I attended the University of Toronto starting my studies in geology. After three years I made the switch to Physics/Geophysics. I am a masochist! What can I say? After graduating I spent one year working with Professor Gordon West…

Interview | April 2011

Extracting meaningful information from seismic attributes

Satinder Chopra

…Summary Seismic attributes are a powerful aid to seismic interpretation. They allow the geoscientist to interpret faults and channels, recognize the depositional environment, and unravel the structural deformation history more rapidly. By combining information from adjacent seismic samples and traces using a physical model (such as dip and azimuth, waveform…

Luncheon | March 2011

Geophysics and a Reserve Audit Perspective

Doug Uffen

…Abstract It is a yearly exercise that plays out for every oil and gas company in Canada. Due to National Instrument NI 51-101, producing oil and gas companies report their reserves on an annual basis. Through this process, companies wish to have their efforts and achievements recognized as having added…

Focus Article | March 2011

Quantify the Economic Value of Geophysical Information

David Gray

…Introduction Geophysics is one of the best tools to identify hydrocarbons in the absence of well control. Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has allowed the use of “Reliable Technology” in reserve estimation for disclosure purposes. Therefore, the use of new technologies presents a significant opportunity for geophysics to…

Focus Article | March 2011

Presidential Column

…It’s cold today in Calgary. This morning it was minus 29°C in Calgary and minus 26°C in Inuvik. It’s cold all over. Not a bad day to stay indoors and write my last RECORDER column. Ms Kim Farrell, P.Eng, outgoing APEGGA President, recently spoke at a Calgary luncheon. She said…

Presidential Column | March 2011

Executive Message

…As Director of Member Services for 2011, it is my pleasure to first of all thank Dave Nordin, outgoing Director and mentor, for all of his outstanding efforts over the past year. He is to be commended. The Member Services portfolio is charged with monitoring and promoting membership in the…

Board Message | March 2011

CAGC Column

…As I write this article we are seeing strife in the Middle East and North Africa. Riots in Egypt toppled the Government and similar public strife has occurred in other countries in the region. Most recently we have seen serious public outrage in Libya. Libya only produces about 2 %…

CAGC Column | March 2011

CSEG Foundation Outreach

…UAGUS at the SEG exposition and general meeting In October 2010, the University of Alberta Geophysics Undergraduate Society (UAGUS) sent nine students to the SEG International Exposition and 80th General Meeting in Denver, Colorado. All UAGUS attendees were fourth year students who will graduate in 2011 from the University of…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | March 2011

Tracing the Industry

…FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! Yes it is true. The next Geoconvention, recovery 2011 will be held May 9th to May 13th. If you register online for a pass to the exhibit floor before May 8th it is FREE. So please circulate this information to the technologists, technicians, landmen, engineers and…

Tracing the Industry | March 2011


…Happy March! Once again, it looks like the past month has been one of global unrest around the world. The mass uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya (to mention a few) have seen a number of our compatriots working overseas returning home to await the local and international repercussions…

Grapevine | March 2011

Paul MacKay

An Interview with Paul MacKay

…Please tell us about your educational background and your work experience. I graduated with a B.Sc (Honours, Geological Science) from Queen’s University in 1980 and a Ph.D. in Structural Geology from the University of Calgary in 1991. In between my degrees I worked for Amoco Canada Ltd., as a geologist…

Interview | March 2011