February 2020 Edition

Vol. 45, Issue No. 01
“I remain fascinated by the complexity of sedimentary rocks, and am continually motivated to understand their rock physics, geophysics and geomechanics.”
An interview with Colin Sayers
Introduction to February Focus: Geophysics in Québec
Jean M. Legault and Oliver Kuhn
Mining exploration geophysics in Quebec: Over 50 years of innovation
Marc Boivin
Applied geophysics in a very deep mine context: Example of the >3 km deep, LaRonde Penna mine, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec
L. Cheng, X. Dai, MC Diallo, C. Liu, N. Foudil-Bey, J. Collins, P. Bérubé, R. Dubuc, D. Fortin, M. Legault, P. Mercier-Langevin, B. Abbassi
Exploring for Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE Ore Bodies with Magnetics, Electromagnetics and Reflection Seismic in a Challenging Geological Setting in Nunavik, QC
Circé Malo-Lalande, Maxim Boisvert, Erick Adam and Christopher Grondin
A processing strategy for high-resolution seismic imaging of thin unconventional reservoirs: application to the Macasty Formation, Anticosti Island, Canada
Mathieu J. Duchesne, Zhuoheng Chen, Denis Lavoie, Nicolas Pinet and Virginia I. Brake
Science and Scientists, Fiction Writing and Star Trek
Lee Hunt
VIG Committee Report
EPP: February Social at the Hexagon Cafe
CSEG Symposium: Past and Present
EPP: Introduction to Seismic Data Processing
EPP: Oil & Gas Beyond Boomers
GeoConvention 2020
Board of Directors’ Message
CAGC Column: Seismic Program Evolution & Development – High Level Summary
Chief Editor’s Message
Science Break: Feral and Invasive Species
Tracing the Industry
Material published in the RECORDER includes views and opinions of the respective contributors, and does not necessarily represent those of the CSEG or its affiliates. The CSEG does not endorse or warrant the information printed. While the CSEG strives to ensure the content published is correct, the CSEG cannot guarantee its accuracy.