January 2005 Edition

Vol. 30, Issue No. 01
Microseismic and Time-lapse Seismic Monitoring of a Heavy Oil Extraction Process at Peace River, Canada
Peter McGillivray
“One doesn’t hunt for Easter Eggs any more…”
An interview with Heloise Lynn
Reservoir Characterization and Heavy Oil Production
Larry Lines, Ying Zou, and Joan Embleton
Reservoir characterization by combining time-lapse seismic analysis with reservoir simulation
Ying Zou, Laurence Bentley and Laurence Lines
Multi-Disciplinary Geoscience: The ‘Brenda’ North Sea Development
Ian Jones, R. Christensen, J. Haynes, J. Faragher, I. Novianti, H. Morris and G. Pickering
An efficient 3D explicit finite-difference prestack depth migration
J. Ren, C. Gerrard, J. McClean, M.Orlovich and A. Long
Statistics Made Easy, Nineteen Times Out of Twenty
Jan Dewar
Executive Message
CAGC Column
Expert Answers
Seismic Gourmet
Tracing the Industry
Material published in the RECORDER includes views and opinions of the respective contributors, and does not necessarily represent those of the CSEG or its affiliates. The CSEG does not endorse or warrant the information printed. While the CSEG strives to ensure the content published is correct, the CSEG cannot guarantee its accuracy.