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CSEG Foundation Outreach

…Student Mentorship, ASEC, Challenge Bowl & GIFT Mentorship Nathan Fester The end of the 2013 University winter curriculum officially brought to a close the CSEG Foundation mentorship program’s most successful year to date. In its fourth year, the program saw its mentorship pairings more than double from 21 to 46,…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | September 2013

Value of Integrated Geophysics

…The importance of making conclusions, and frameworks in reasoning. “The best scientist makes the least and most limited conclusions,” one of my very smart friends in processing informed me. He had a point, but I really did need to make sense of the work and commit to a map right…

Value of Integrated Geophysics | September 2013

Science Break: Sewage

…Stinking foul mess Biodegraded Our ultimate fate There are numerous reasons why we are lucky to live in today’s world, but access to modern plumbing and sewage treatment has to be near the top of the list. Maybe things weren’t so bad when there weren’t many of us around –…

Science Break | September 2013

Tracing the Industry

…It has certainly been an eventful summer. During the flood crisis I joined Twitter. People had suggested that I join, but I didn't think I would find it of value. I thought the same when I joined LinkedIn and once again I was wrong. Last year I ended up being…

Tracing the Industry | September 2013


…Welcome back Everyone! Well...in the hiatus that was summer, we had a flood. A really really big flood. As a native Calgarian, these past couple of months have been a bit surreal. I took the LRT downtown the Tuesday following the onset of the flood, and it was a ghost…

Grapevine | September 2013

Acquisition modeling: expect the unexpected

Carl Regone

…A seismic acquisition method that is successful in one area sometimes fails in another, and attempts to fix the problems in processing do not always work. The success in recent years with alternative acquisition schemes has shown the need for ongoing experimentation in acquisition design. However, in 3D seismology, the…

Luncheon | June 2013

Quantitative Seismic Interpretation

Brian Russell

…When I was first asked by John Fernando to be the RECORDER special editor for the theme: Seismic Inversion / Time-lapse / Rock Physics, my first thought was that I was being asked to put together the “theory of everything” in exploration seismology. Come on, John, what topics have you…

Focus Article | June 2013

A Gassmann-consistent rock physics template

Brian Russell

…Abstract In an unpublished CREWES report, Russell and Smith (2007) use measurements from Han (1986) to evaluate two different approaches to the modeling of Kdry versus porosity in clean sands: the pore space stiffness method and the critical porosity method. For the range of porosities found in the Han sandstones,…

Focus Article | June 2013

Joint simultaneous inversion of PP and PS angle gathers

Dan Hampson and Brian Russell

…Abstract We present a new approach to the joint simultaneous inversion of PP and PS angle gathers for the estimation of Pimpedance, S-impedance and density. Our algorithm is based on three assumptions. The first is that the linearized approximation for reflectivity holds. The second is that PP and PS reflectivity…

Focus Article | June 2013

Clarifying Dataroom Confusion

J. Douglas Uffen

…Introduction Geophysical datarooms are an important element of business in the resource industry. They are staged for many reasons such as: when a company undertakes a sale process of assets or properties, during a Show & Tell presentation, or a farm-in process to attract new investors. Confidentiality Agreements (CAs) are…

Article | June 2013

Lawrence (Larry) Mayo

An Interview with Lawrence (Larry) Mayo

…Larry, let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and your work experience. I graduated in 1980 with a Mining Engineering Degree from the Nova Scotia Technical College, which now is part of Dalhousie. At that time seismic was a black box. I learned the job starting at Amoco…

Interview | June 2013

Presidential Column

…With summer arrival, and its associated hiatus of sorts with many of us taking advantage of the short Canadian summer, the time is right perhaps for an update on three CSEG initiatives we hope will have long term positive impact on our Society and the work it does. The three…

Presidential Column | June 2013

Executive Message

…My first year on the CSEG executive has been a very rewarding and exciting experience. Until being on the executive I never really understood how many volunteers there were, nor the amount of time these individuals commit to the society. The CSEG is extremely lucky to have such a strong…

Board Message | June 2013

CAGC Column

…Snippets of thought... The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to U.S. President Barack Obama for his “extraordinary efforts” to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing as well Obama’s work on preventing nuclear proliferation and climate change.…

CAGC Column | June 2013

CSEG Foundation Outreach

…The CSEG-F awarded travel grants to students for them to attend the CSEG Symposium in March. The students are very grateful for the opportunity afforded them by the CSEG-F and sent us these testimonials. “The CSEG symposium was a great experience to interact with industry. It gave me an insight…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | June 2013

Science Break: Encryption part two – the digital era

…I admit that splitting this article into two parts was partly borne out of trepidation. By delaying part two I was able to put off the daunting task of writing about an extremely dry and complex topic – not as exciting as WWII spy stuff! Part one ( March 2013)…

Science Break | June 2013

Tracing the Industry

…June is the last issue of the RECORDER until September. So if you have any announcements for the September issue, get them to me as soon as possible. I wish you all a wonderful summer and a great Stampede! ON THE MOVE... Cheran Mangat is pleased to announce she has…

Tracing the Industry | June 2013


…Happy June! I just wanted to send out a quick thanks to the TAQA Women’s Network who sponsored an oil & gas industry networking event in late May, to bring awareness to the networking, mentorship and leadership programs currently in place for local women in the industry and to raise…

Grapevine | June 2013

Stewart Trickett

An Interview with Stewart Trickett

…Please tell us about your educational background and your work experience. I studied computer science and mathematics at the University of British Columbia in the late 1970s. The double honours program was more work than I could handle, so I switched to pure computer science in my final year, and…

Interview | May 2013

The Interpreter’s Guide to Depth Imaging

Scott MacKay

…Compared to time migration, depth imaging should yield simpler structure, higher spatial and vertical resolution, and a more stable phase response. It is also the appropriate input for inversion and other attributes that estimate reservoir properties and mitigate risk. However, the interpreter must actively guide the depth-imaging process to ensure…

Luncheon | May 2013