Spring 2021 Edition

Vol. 46, Issue No. 02
“…we can only learn when we move beyond our current knowledge base through new application of the convolution of our experience.”
An interview with Dale Vanhooren
“Being an entrepreneur requires flexibility since you will wear many hats… your job description expands exponentially.”
An interview with Andrea Crook
Evidence for Strike-Slip Faulting from 3D Seismic and HZ Well Strip Logs and its Impact on Hydrocarbon Distribution at the Worsley Charlie Lake LL Pool
Rainer Augsten
Integrating Pore Pressure and Lithology Prediction from Well and Seismic Data to Characterize Abnormal Pressures in the Compartmentalized Volve Oil Field, Central North Sea
Draga Talinga and Carl Reine
Useful Mistakes, Cognitive Biases and Seismic
Lee Hunt
Depth Imaging – Above and Beyond Reflections: The Why and How of Your Pre-stack Depth Migration Project
Svetlana Bidikhova and Mike Hall
Effective Technical Talks
Stewart Trickett
Software Correctness
Stewart Trickett
2020 CSEG Scholarship Report and Winners
President’s Message
Associate Editor’s Message
Tracing the Industry
Science Break: mRNA Vaccines and Molecular Testing
Board of Directors’ Message
Material published in the RECORDER includes views and opinions of the respective contributors, and does not necessarily represent those of the CSEG or its affiliates. The CSEG does not endorse or warrant the information printed. While the CSEG strives to ensure the content published is correct, the CSEG cannot guarantee its accuracy.