September 2016 Edition

Vol. 41, Issue No. 07
Presidents of Professional Societies – Part 1
An interview with Presidents of Professional Societies - Part 1
Introduction to September Focus: Innovation in Land Seismic
Allan R Châtenay and Paul Thacker
Deriving High Quality Horizontal Positioning of Seismic Receivers Directly from GPS Receivers Embedded in Wireless Seismic Receiver Nodes
Allan R Châtenay and Paul Thacker
Technology Collaboration is the Key Element in Frontier Seismic Exploration
Jason Criss
Field Testing Justifying Significant Changes in 3D Design Parameters to Improve Seismic Data and Decrease Costs
Ann O’Byrne, Greg MacNeil and Andrew Kura
It’s Time to Wake Up!
Doug Pruden
How Geophysics Can Generate and Demonstrate More Value During the Development of Mature Unconventional Resource Plays: A Personal Opinion
Rob Holt
2016 CSEG Doodletrain – An Opportunity to Stay On Track
APEGA Summit Award to Paul Bauman
Another Great Year for Earth Science for Society (ESfS)
VIG Committee Pitches to Society of Petroleum Engineers
CSEG June 2016 Luncheon
President’s Message
Chief Editor’s Message
CAGC Column
Science Break: CRISPR Genome Editing
Tracing the Industry
Material published in the RECORDER includes views and opinions of the respective contributors, and does not necessarily represent those of the CSEG or its affiliates. The CSEG does not endorse or warrant the information printed. While the CSEG strives to ensure the content published is correct, the CSEG cannot guarantee its accuracy.