
Application of Magnetic Prospecting in Recognition of Volcanic Reservoirs
Zhanxiang He, Liu Yunxiang, Suo Xiaodong, and Dong Weibin
Combined with susceptibility of volcanic rock determined from core samples, an improved algorithm for separation of potential field anomalies can increase the resolution of magnetic data. In areas with abundant information, joint processing and interpretation of seismic, electrical and magnetic data can significantly enhance the prospecting effect. Within this context,…

International Year of Planet Earth 2007-2009
Godfrey Nowlan
The idea of an International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE) was launched in 2000 at an IUGS Council meeting. Proclamation of an International Year was seen as a potentially powerful means of demonstrating how society could benefit from the accumulated knowledge of the solid Earth as part of System Earth.…

Geophysical surveys at tel Yavne, Israel: 5,000 years of buried history
Paul Bauman
During the first Jewish revolt against the Romans (66 of the common era {C.E.} to 70 C.E.), Yavne was captured by the soon to be Roman Emperor Vespasian. It is during this time period that a particular event projects Yavne into a prominent position in modern Jewish history and that…

Early Days of Seismic Field Operations in Western Canada
Bob Rintoul
The first seismic operations in Canada were torsion bar and gravity meter. We will look at shot hole seismic, primarily reflection. On occasion refractive shooting was also employed.
Near Surface Geophysics as an Aid to Horizontal Drilling for Pipeline Construction
Paul Bauman and Christeen Nahas
In near surface environmental geophysics, the provider of such services will often propose that carrying out such work will save the client money in the overall project. Occasionally, and often in direct correlation with the quality of the work, such services result in increased budgets over the short term. For…

A simple way to speed up wave equation migration: using a time-shift imaging condition
Mark Ng
This article describes a way to speed up downward continuation wave equation migration (WEM) by 200% to 400%, or more, via modification of the conventional imaging condition. Specifically, I introduce a new ‘time-shift’ imaging condition, which can be used to estimate the migrated image in between actual migration depth steps.…

A Geophysical Facies Description of Quaternary Channels in Northern Alberta
Richard Kellett
Buried glacial channels in the surficial sediments of northern Alberta and British Columbia have been the focus of several industry and academic research groups in the last 5 years. Individual channels can be over 50 km long, two to five km wide, and have been incised up to 300 m…

Preparing for the Future in Geophysics: Out of the Darkness and into the “Lite”
Alan Cohen
Our North American exploration and production geophysical community is also facing an impending storm: We have a buildup of geophysicists in their late forties, many of whom will be leaving the field within the next five to ten years.
CGGVeritas Marine Fleet Upgrade and Renewal
Richard Price
The creation of the CGGVeritas marine acquisition capability produced not only the largest fleet of seismic vessels in the industry, but also the most flexible and adaptable fleet in terms of streamer capacity and acquisition configurations. The company is currently in a position to offer vessels all around the world,…

Investing in EM
Richard Kellett
Improving AVO fidelity by NMO stretching and offset dependent tuning corrections
Yong Xu and Satinder Chopra
Wavelet stretching due to NMO correction of seismic gathers causes problems in AVO. Coupled with the degrading action of wavelet stretching is offset dependent tuning for thin beds. Even though tuning is inherent in the data before NMO correction, its effect on AVO is more obvious on NMO corrected data.…

Seismic curvature attributes for mapping faults/fractures, and other stratigraphic features
Satinder Chopra and Kurt Marfurt
Seismic attributes are a powerful aid to seismic interpretation, providing geoscientists with alternative images of faults and channels that can be used as components in unraveling the depositional environment structural deformation history. While seismic attributes have been used for nearly four decades, some of the most significant attribute developments and…

Beyond a Thousand Barrels a Second
Peter Tertzakian
V1 technology offers breakthrough in land seismic data quality
Julien Meunier, Thomas Bianchi, Jean-Jacques Postel and Roger Taylor
In Land Seismic operations there is a strong industry drive to continually improve quality and productivity, to meet the ever increasing demands for cost-effective high-density and wide-azimuth recording. There is also a shift towards a point-source, point-receiver acquisition model where the aim is to reduce the size of conventional source…

The CHORUS Project: Research Consortium unlocking cold production methods for Canadian/Global heavy oil needs
While global energy consumption continues to rise, and conventional oil reserves continue to diminish, more and more emphasis is being placed on maximizing production methods for heavy oil and bitumen reserves. CHORUS is a dynamic collaboration between university researchers and heavy oil industry partners involving a unique research team working…

Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques and Nitrogen Injection
Bandar Duraya Al-Anazi
The present state of modern industrial development is characterized by the consumption of enormous quantities of petroleum. It is not used simply for the production of various fuels and lubricants; with each passing year more and more petroleum is used for manufacturing synthetic rubber, synthetic fibers, plastics, drugs, and thousands…

Canadian Federation of Earth Scientists
Ian Young
My name is Ian Young and I am the current President of the Canadian Federation of Earth Scientists (Fédération canadienne des sciences de la Terre), a new name for the now 35 year old Canadian Geoscience Council. Ironically, the CGC was founded to provide a united voice for Earth sciences…

The Double Edged Sword: The Impact of the Interaction between Salt and Sediment on Sub-salt Exploration Risk in Deep Water
Selim Shaker
The high rewards of finding hydrocarbon in the sub salt plays make it very attractive for exploration endeavors. However, it is a challenging mission. Subsurface pressure uncertainty causes recurrent drilling failure to reach the objective targets.
Junior Geophysicists Forum (JGF)
JGF Committee