2763 search results for:

Mike Batzle

An Interview with Mike Batzle

…Mike, let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and your work experience. Work is a pretty strong term. Education – I was a young punk at the University of California at Riverside. I played football there, that’s one reason I have a bad knee. Then, before I went…

Interview | March 2006

Executive Message

…Member Services = Services for the MEMBERS We often praise our volunteers, and our society could not function at the level it is without them. We regularly thank our sponsors, without whom we could not maintain the quality of events that we currently sustain. There is one group that we…

Board Message | March 2006

CAGC Column

…Competency in the Oil Patch continues to be a key phrase. Each of the Trade Associations are dealing with it in their own manner. Some through apprentice programs and some through professional occupation status. The CAGC has begun its application under Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act (POARA) in Alberta…

CAGC Column | March 2006

Expert Answers

…Question Fracture characterization of reservoirs is very important as it can have a profound effect on their productivity. So for improved reservoir management seismic fracture characterization is attempted. In your expert opinion, what are the methods available for such a characterization for both conventional 3D P-wave data as well as…

Expert Answers | March 2006

Seismic Gourmet

…Halo ( A Splash of Style on the Swan ) So the last time we met I was sitting in Vancouver frantically typing away writing the February article and trying not to miss another deadline. Well the good news is that I’m home and not in an airport, however the…

Seismic Gourmet | March 2006

Tracing the Industry

…CBS Bone Marrow Registry Memory Marshall, a fellow geologist and our CSPG Executive Programs Director has been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy for a rare and aggressive form of cancer called “G.T.N”. She developed the cancer this past September, just 8 weeks after her first child “Diamond” was born. Recently…

Tracing the Industry | March 2006


…15th Annual Calgary Mining Forum Speaking of women athletes, (no, not me – I wish! – GS), but GEDCO is a proud sponsor of Beckie Scott, silver medal winner in the Women’s Team Pursuit in cross country skiing with partner, Sara Renner. We’ve always been proud to sponsor Beckie, and…

Grapevine | March 2006

Structural Setting and Petroleum Potential of the Orphan Basin, offshore Newfoundland and Labrador

Michael Enachescu

…Abstract The Orphan Basin region, situated north of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland has undergone repeated extensional episodes. Crustal stretching of the mainly Paleozoic platform started in Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. Subsequent extensional episodes lasting until the Paleocene deepened the basin and enlarged it, by westward (landward) propagation of…

Luncheon | February 2006

ARAM from the road

Gary James

…I was asked to write an article for the recorder about our experiences at ARAM with “International Marketing.” As with most life lessons we must usually look backwards before we look forward, so I will start with a very short history of ARAM as a division of Geo-X Systems Ltd.…

Focus Article | February 2006

Some thoughts on working in the exploration services field outside of Canada

Bill Quirk

…When I was asked to script a few lines on my perspective of the International Exploration Environment (IEE, everyone has an initialism or acronym so I thought I would create my own initialism for this text), I had to reflect back to the time when I accepted my first foreign…

Focus Article | February 2006

Predicting lithology and porosity at the Pikes Peak heavy oilfield, Saskatchewan using 3C seismic data and well logs

Natalia Soubotcheva and Robert Stewart

…Introduction The Pikes Peak oil field is located 40 km east of Lloydminster, Saskatchewan (Figure 1) and produces heavy oil (12*API) from the Waseca sands of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group. Hulten (1984) provided a comprehensive geologic description for the Waseca formation in and around the Pikes Peak field. Over…

Article | February 2006

The Petroleum Geoscience Vision of the University of Calgary

Helen Isaac

…In December 2005, Larry Lines (Head of the Geology and Geophysics department at the University of Calgary) and Ron Burke (Director of Development in the Faculty of Science, UofC) met some CSEG representatives to present the department’s new Petroleum Geoscience Vision. In attendance for the CSEG were Oliver Kuhn (VP),…

Article | February 2006

CSEG Bylaw Amendments

…The following CSEG Bylaw amendments will be presented at the CSEG 2006 AGM on Monday March 27, 2006. Please note the changes/additions are printed in red. ARTICLE II – OBJECTIVES The objective of the CSEG is to promote the science and application of geophysics especially as it applies to exploration.…

Article | February 2006

Peter Savage

An Interview with Peter Savage

…[Satinder]: Peter, let us begin by asking you about your educational qualifications and your work experience. I graduated from McGill in 1948 with a B.Sc. in Math, Physics and Geology, probably the first “geophysics” degree McGill had ever produced. I started in Maths and Physics then took all the undergrad…

Interview | February 2006

Executive Message

…I go to two or three conventions a year and catch a load of technical talks. I do a lot of planning and organizing to make sure that I catch the talks that suit my personal development objectives. Along the way, I have made some observations and formed a strong…

Board Message | February 2006

CAGC Column

…Mulling over what I should write about for this column I thought I might take the time and space to discuss the merger of the Petroleum Safety Council (PSC) and the Petroleum Industry Training Services (PITS) into Enform. A number of the Oil and Gas Associations worked with CAPP last…

CAGC Column | February 2006

Seismic Gourmet

…Brennan’s of Houston (New Orleans in Texas) So you want to write a food review do you? Sure there is all the glamour, the fine dining and the world travel…well ok no travel on the RECORDER but you can write about places that you go to. However there is that…

Seismic Gourmet | February 2006

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Penny Colton announces that she has left her previous interesting and challenging role as Manager of Geoscience Affairs at APEGGA to allow a return to a more active industry role as an exploration geophysicist or as a consultant. Penny will continue several geoscience initiatives as a volunteer,…

Tracing the Industry | February 2006


…Macurda / DIGs D. Bradford Macurda, Jr., Inc. and Dickson International Geosciences (DIGs) are pleased to announce their office moves to a joint location. D. Bradford Macurda, Jr., Inc. is moving across the hall (same building) while DIGs is moving from Stafford, Texas. The principals of these companies have long…

Grapevine | February 2006

Azimuth Moveout Transformation – some promising applications from western Canada

Satinder Chopra and Dan Negut

…Summary Azimuth moveout (AMO) is a partial migration operator that rotates the azimuth and modifies the offset of 3D prestack data. Being a wave-equation based re-gridding algorithm, AMO carries the correct kinematic, phase and amplitude transformation, and handles dipping geological strata and variable velocity relatively accurately. These characteristics set AMO…

Article | January 2006