
Applied Seismic Inversion for Estimating Earth Models in Depth
Oz Yilmaz
Processing and inversion, both are intended to estimate earth models from seismic data. Nevertheless, they differ in one fundamental respect - the output domain. Processing yields an earth model in time, whereas inversion yields an earth model in depth.
Professional Registration – The Process Explained
Neil Rutherford
The process of obtaining professional registration in your chosen field can be a daunting task. Many CSEG and CSPG members have given up in their attempts through frustration and lack of understanding of the process. Those more fortunate to have "made the grade" undoubtedly think the trials they endured to…

Professional Registration of Geoscientists in Canada
Gordon D. Williams
Professionals, including engineers, architects and doctors, are registered to practice in Canada under provincial or territorial legislation. Four jurisdictions in Canada currently also register almost 5000 geoscientists, either as Professional Geoscientists (P.Geo.), Professional Geologists (P.Geol.) or Professional Geophysicists (P.Geoph.) under combined engineering and geoscience acts of their Legislatures.
Exploration Applications of High Resolution Magnetic Surveys
Zeev Berger, Ron Sheldrake, Foon Der
High resolution aeromagnetic surveys are excellent tools for mapping geological structures in a wide range of tectonic settings and geographical areas. The improved mapping capabilities of these surveys are achieved by advanced data acquisition techniques which include lower altitudes, tighter line spacing, and broad-band frequency retention followed by advanced data…

The 3-C Struggle: Good News From the Trenches
Dr. Peter Cary
The title of this luncheon presentation seems to imply that some sort of "trench warfare" is going on with three-component seismic data. Those who have had hands-on experience with 3-C data may know just how close to the truth this term sometimes is, but it is not meant to turn…

Good Computer Contouring/Modelling Can Help the Geophysical Interpreter – Part Two
Richard Banks and J. Brian Henry
Most formations were nearly horizontal when deposited and the formations were sub-parallel to each other. Even though geologic forces have deformed the original structures, many suites of surfaces exhibit similar features. This is the familiar geologic principle of conformity that can be applied when contouring several surfaces simultaneously.
Making the CSEG’s Equity Further the Goals of the Society
Susan R. Eaton
The following brief presents my ideas on making the CSEG equity work toward furthering the goals of the Society and toward making the CSEG a more vibrant organization in the future. I hope my suggestions and examples will generate a spirited discussion amongst CSEG members, and will serve as a…

Complex Deformation Models from the Debolt Gas Fields of the N.E. British Columbia Foothills, as seen on 2D and 3D Seismic
Andrew C. Newson
The interpretation of seismic data in the foothills is typically model driven in areas where the quality of this seismic data is moderate to poor in quality. The deformation model used by the interpreter will have a major impact on locating wells on the structures and calculating in-place reserves.
Good Computer Contouring/Modelling Can Help the Geophysical Interpreter
Richard Banks and J. Brian Henry
This is the first in a series of articles on contouring, or modelling, to use the more appropriate term. The purpose of this series is to develop the principles and role of contouring in present day exploration. The first of the four articles discusses basic gridding and triangulation techniques. The…

The C.A.G.C. Needs You!
Rolf Wenzel
In a blatant attempt to expand membership to achieve its secret goal of planetary domination through geophysical prospecting, the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors has submitted a spontaneous interview with its President, Mr. William The Hammer Kammermayer to explain the purpose and functions of the C.A.G.C.
Alberta Labour’s Provincial Seismic Program
Jim Shaffer
Alberta Labour has identified six specialized program areas in its Business Plan for 1995. The specialized program areas include Seismic, Residential Construction, Forestry, Steel and Iron Foundries, Mining and Trenching.
1996 Election of Officers Candidates
Overview of the 1996 CSEG Executive election candidates.
Effective Geophysical Writing and Presentation
Robert R. Stewart, R. James Brown and Don C. Lawton
James Michener (1992) wrote, "The writer who sits at his or her desk with an empty piece of paper staring back is like the explorer who stands at the edge of a new continent, uncertain of how to proceed" – an exciting but perhaps difficult position. The goal of this…

The Doodlebugs
Sharon Stevens
A doodlebugger? What is a doodlebug and where did that name come from? A definitive answer was what I was searching for. But a variety of responses is what I found...
Depth Imaging of Seismic Data from Structurally Complex Areas
Larry Lines, Wen-ling Wu, Han-Xing Lu, Andrew Burton, and Jinming Zhu
Recent geophysical research has made widespread use of depth migration and velocity analysis in our efforts to improve seismic images in structurally complex areas. Such structural exploration problems include the imaging of salt intrusions and faulted structures from offshore Newfoundland, and the delineation of thrust faulted structures from the Alberta…

From Horses to Helicopters: Bill Sydorko's 45-year Career in Seismic Field Work Mirrors an Industry's Coming-of-age
Samantha-jane Mugridge
Bill Sydorko has progressed from working on geophysical crews of four or five men in 1950 to supervising crews of up to 30 men during the 1980s and 90s. Where 16 or 24 traces per seismic record were once standard, now he routinely deals with a minimum of 144 per…

3-D Prestack Time Migration of Canadian Plains Data: When and Why It is Needed
Mike Perz and Peter Cary
Today's generation of superscalar workstations and high performance supercomputers allows full prestack time migration of 3-D data volumes within a time frame that is manageable from the explorationist's viewpoint. Most geophysicists are aware that performing prestack time migration on structured data sets offers certain advantages, particularly from the viewpoint of…

Applied AVO Analysis: Use and Abuse of Amplitude Variation with Offset
John P. Castagna
The great promise of amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) analysis lies in the dependence of the offset-dependent-reflectivity of reflected compressional waves on the elastic properties of the subsurface. As different lithologies may exhibit distinct Poisson's ratios, and gas bearing strata usually exhibit anomalously low Poisson's ratios, AVO has been recognized as a potential…

Why Perform 3-D Prestack Time migration on the Prairies?
Mike Perz
Hardware platforms have now achieved a level of sophistication which permits the use of full 3-D prestack time migration as a production-style processing tool. While most geophysicists are aware that performing 3-D prestack time migration on structured data sets offers certain advantages, particularly from the viewpoint of velocity analysis, many…

Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data
Erwin Ebner, John Peirce and Nathalie Marchand
The previous three articles of this series on Potential Field (PF) Geophysics dealt with recent technical improvements in magnetics and gravity instrumentation as well as with critical components concerning data acquisition and PF project management. This article focuses on processing and interpretation of aeromagnetic data. Key aspects of each of…