2763 search results for:

Microseismic, 3D and 4D Applications and its Relation to Geomechanics and Completion Performance

Andrew Iverson, Bill Goodway, Marco Perez and Greg Purdue

…Summary This study demonstrates empirical relationships derived from microseismic, 3D inversion attributes and 4D seismic to production in unconventional shale in the Horn River Basin. Production variations are explained through the use of the above mentioned tools and a careful investigation of stimulated rock volume. These production variations are shown…

Focus Article | January 2013

Presidential Column

…A startling and controversial announcement was recently made by the International Energy Agency (IEA). They predict that the United States will overtake Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s top oil producer by 2017, thus predicting that Washington will come very close to achieving their previously unthinkable goal of energy…

Presidential Column | January 2013

Past President’s Column

…As one of the departing CSEG executives in May, I want to say that my last three years of involvement with the Society have been some of the most interesting and rewarding of my career. As the outgoing Past-President, my term is now coming to a close. My role has…

Presidential Column | January 2013

Executive Message

…As I settle into my role as Assistant Director of Education, I have been amazed at the extent of the educational services that the CSEG offers, and by the efficiency of the CSEG machine at making all the various events happen. The efficiency is clearly due to the incredible number…

Board Message | January 2013

CAGC Column

…I attended an Energy Summit in mid-November. The summit included representatives from not only Oil and Gas companies but also many other energy sources including coal, nuclear, hydro, wind, and other renewables. The intent of the summit was to discuss what principles and objectives a National Energy Framework might entail.…

CAGC Column | January 2013

CSEG Foundation Outreach

…University Student Outreach The CSEG Foundation University Student Outreach Committee would like to thank RPS Energy for funding 2013 CSEG student membership. This funding allows Canadian and international students to become CSEG members at no cost to themselves. Becoming a CSEG student member is one of the first steps a…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | January 2013

Tracing the Industry

…Happy New Year! People often ask me what is the benefit of putting an announcement in this column? The first and most important reason is to share your contact information with the industry. The other reason is that you can show your parents, children, siblings or anyone else your name…

Tracing the Industry | January 2013

Science Break: Did they or didn’t they?

…I love a love story as much as anyone, and the romance that has had me on tenterhooks for at least 15 years happened (or did it?) over 50,000 years ago. I’m talking about humans and Neanderthals – did they or didn’t they? Science has been tormenting, teasing, and tantalising…

Science Break | January 2013


…Happy New Year! There are a couple of things that I would like to highlight this month. First up, HUGE congratulations go out to the Canadian Team of Adrian Smith (U of Calgary) and Darragh O’Connor (Dalhousie) who beat out a team from India to win the Seventh Annual SEG…

Grapevine | January 2013

Dave Hale

An Interview with Dave Hale

…Dave, I would like you to speak a little about your educational background and work experience. After receiving a B.Sc. in Physics in 1977 from Texas A&M University, I worked with Western Geophysical, first on a seismic crew in Venezuela, and eventually in their research group in Houston. In 1979…

Interview | January 2013

4D attenuation analysis for permeability estimates in hydraulically induced fractures

David Cho, Bill Goodway, Marco Perez, Andrew Iverson and Gary F. Margrave

…Summary The effect of wave induced fluid motion between fractures and pores results in complex elastic stiffness coefficients that ultimately gives rise to frequency-dependent attenuation. Therefore, permeability estimates are obtainable through a spectral analysis of the seismic wavefield. In this study, we analyze the attenuation response associated with a time-lapse…

Focus Article | January 2013

CSEG Foundation-sponsored Geophysicist returns to the Bottom of the World…

Susan R. Eaton

…I was snorkeling in a gin-and-tonic mix of brash ice near a gentoo penguin colony in Antarctica, in February 2010, when a leopard seal charged me, not once but three times, its mouth agape and jaws seemingly detached. Squaring off face-tomask— the leopard seal’s face, my scuba diving mask—I counted…

Article | January 2013

Presidential Column

…Alberta has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country and is considered one of the best places to live and work. I have recently come across a few articles that really caught my attention with regards to labour shortages, wages and taxes in the various provinces. A number…

Presidential Column | December 2012

An Introduction to Wavefield Visualization: Part 1 Visual Acoustics

Steven Lynch

…Summary When writing a paper, convention dictates that you begin with a summary, a concise outline of the subjects that you will cover in more detail in the body of the article. This paper is different because it is itself a summary being little more than an overview to an…

Article | December 2012

Introduction to the Processing – Migration / Imaging Focus Articles

Peter Cary

…I am pleased to have observed a renewed interest in seismic signal processing at our latest annual convention. We had an unprecedented number of sessions devoted Imaging is always the ultimate aim of seismic processing, and this is usually accomplished primarily by one of the last steps in the processing…

Focus Article | December 2012

Executive Message

…When you are reading this message we will be approaching Christmastime with the all the parties, gifts and family gatherings. It’s a time of the year to look back and be thankful for the many blessings you’ve had. We at the CSEG also look back over the year in review…

Board Message | December 2012

CAGC Column

…By mid-2013 Alberta is expected to enter the realm of having a Single Regulator for Oil and Gas. That Regulator will also capture Geophysical applications whereas in today`s world the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) handles all Oil and Gas applications except Geophysical. Geophysical applications fall under Environment and Sustainable…

CAGC Column | December 2012

CSEG Foundation Outreach

…Seismic in Motion for Students 2012 CSEG-F Outreach was again pleased to be able to bring students from Calgary high schools to the CAGC’s Seismic in Motion for Students (SIMfS), which was held near Waiparous in early October. Seismic in Motion allows acquisition companies and associated industries, such as medical…

CSEG Foundation Outreach | December 2012

Tracing the Industry

…On the Move... Melodie McArdle would like to let everyone know that she has accepted a position as a Senior Geophysicist with Bonavista Energy Corporation. You can reach her at Melodie.McArdle@bonavistaenergy.com. Jonathan Banyard has joined Arcis in the role of Manager, Data Library and Project Development. His most recent post…

Tracing the Industry | December 2012

Science Break: Human Heuristics

…I’m sure my friends are getting quite sick of hearing about heuristics – ever since I read “Thinking, fast and slow” (Kahneman, 2011) I just can’t shut up about them. I have been aware of heuristics for some time, but until this book came along I viewed them as an…

Science Break | December 2012