2763 search results for:

Using In-Situ Stress and Rock Mechanical Properties to Plan Your Best Well Trajectory with STABView™

Pat McLellan and Chris Hawkes

…Advanced Geotechnology are the developers of STABView™, a Windows-based software package for evaluating borehole stability, lost circulation and sand production risks for vertical, deviated and horizontal wells in a wide variety of geological settings. In many sedimentary basins, especially in tectonically deformed strata or deep offshore settings, and those possessing…

Article | May 2000

Internet Delivery of High Resolution Aerial Ortho-Imagery

Larry Herdand and John Welter

…The planning, organization and management of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation operations requires accurate, complete and current maps illustrating the topography and surface features whether man made or natural. This information is invaluable for seismic planning and operations, well site planning and facility engineering. All aspects of surface activity from planning…

Article | May 2000

International Hot Spots 2000

Gordon Cope

…The preceding year has brought a raft of changes to the international exploration picture; the CSEG Recorder looks at some of the hot-spots, not-spots and up-and-comers for the year. Since early 1999, the price of oil has almost tripled, but seismic exploration has lagged. “It’s better this year, the only…

Article | May 2000


…Subsequent World Petroleum Congresses 1937 - 1959 We can thank Hans Suter for having shelved the few WPC proceedings in Home’s (now Anderson’s) historical library which he was able to acquire, mainly as a participant. When Suter had retired from Texaco, Bob Brown provided him with an office for the…

Reflections | May 2000

Tracing the Industry

…CIBC's Jeffrey Rubin predicts oil prices to drift higher. Global production, through OPEC's agreement, has risen by 1.7 million barrels a day narrowing the gap between demand and supply thus stabilizing crude prices. North American gasoline prices, on the other hand, are hiking higher as the US Department of Energy…

Tracing the Industry | May 2000


…Geophysical Micro Computer Applications (International) Ltd. Announces Name Change to NetDriven Solutions Inc. Geophysical Micro Computer Applications (International) Inc. announced on March 7th, 2000 that it has changed its corporate name to NetDriven Solutions Inc. in order to properly reflect its new broad based technology focus. Over the past year,…

Grapevine | May 2000

Profile of Donald Lawton

…It's a long way from the sheep pastures of New Zealand to the Western Canadian foothills, but Professor Donald Caleb Lawton, Head of the University of Calgary Department of Geology and Geophysics, has successfully made that journey. Don has always been involved in earth sciences. Don grew up on sheep…

Profile | May 2000

Static Corrections for the 21st Century

Mike Cox

…Static corrections are routinely applied to almost all surveys. In the past, the main emphasis has been for the computation and application of datum and residual static corrections on land and transition zone surveys. For marine surveys, static corrections are used to adjust the data to a sea-level datum with…

Luncheon | April 2000

Moving Up the Processing Ladder

Gordon Cope

…Recent advances in geophysical workstation hardware and software allow interpreters not only to view pre-stack data, but also to manipulate it. Are the days of processing numbered? Main Marlo Baydala is a geophysicist with Post Energy, based in Calgary. While recently working on a 3D survey in the Triangle zone…

Article | April 2000

Fractured Reservoirs: Software and workflow advancements in fracture and fault prediction, characterization, and connection to reservoir modeling

David Richards

…In Canada and many exploration and production areas worldwide, a better understanding of fractured reservoirs is essential to efficient exploration and production. New enhancements in software allow improved prediction and modeling of fractured reservoirs. Combined application of structural restoration software (3DMove), an associated fracture generator based on geologically oriented rules,…

Article | April 2000

3-C Digital Sensor

Peter W. Maxwell

…For the last 60 years, seismic surveys have relied on a very simple but durable sensor – the geophone. Despite its long record of success, recent developments may ultimately make the geophone obsolete. Input/ Output, Inc. have developed a new 3-C digital which measures acceleration rather than velocity. The MEMS…

Article | April 2000

ARAM24 Seismic Recording Systems

Gary James and Valentin Poncos

…Perhaps from the first time that a geophone was planted in the ground and the raw seismic data was handed from a recording engineer to a "field computer" we have heard the refrain, "Oh, they'll fix it in the processing!" In the early 1990s the seismic recording industry leapt forward…

Article | April 2000


…Campbell Murray Hunter– Earth Scientist/Entrepreneur Hidden away in the Proceedings of the First World Petroleum Congress 1933 is a learned treatise: “The Oil Prospects of Western Canada”. And the most important aspect of this paper lies in the fact that Hunter’s prescient comments on Alberta’s potential and current wells are…

Reflections | April 2000

Tracing the Industry

…Here are the latest changes to report:. Kelman Seismic Processing is pleased to announce that Pierre Leger has joined the company as Marine Processing Supervisor. Pierre brings extensive marine processing experience to Kelman. He can be reached at (403) 294-7558 or email pierre@kelman.com. Kelman Seismic Processing also welcomes John Fernando…

Tracing the Industry | April 2000


…Massive Visualization Screen Hoisted Through 27th Floor Window of Downtown Calgary Office Tower Veritas DCC Inc., installed an 18-by-7 foot, 500lb, viewing screen for a new state of the art Visualization Center at its downtown Calgary headquarters. Rooftop crane operators lifted the 1,000-lb. package, including crate, to the 27th floor…

Grapevine | April 2000

The Internet as a Geophysical Tool

Rob Vestrum

…The Internet has gone from fad and fashion to an integral part of the way we do business. Our culture communicates via email and gets informed and entertained on the web. How is the high-tech culture of the geophysical community utilizing this resource? Our vision for the CSEG website is…

Luncheon | March 2000

Foothills: The Future for Exploration

Andrew C. Newson

…The Calgary exploration industry is faced with the major challenge of finding new gas reserves and developing them in a cost effective and sustainable manner to meet growing consumer demand. Natural gas consumption in North America is expected to climb from the current 25 Tcf a year to 30 Tcf…

Luncheon | March 2000

The Perfect IT System

Gordon Cope

…Imagine a computer system that increases reserves, lower costs, and maximizes the efficiency of every single asset you possess. It is Monday morning, and the board-of-directors is calling for more profits. Now. With a flick of a mouse, you call up sales at the gas pumps and note with satisfaction…

Article | March 2000


…Spectrum Announces Updated Nigerian Register in Digital Format Spectrum Energy and Information Technology Limited, in conjunction with Thomas and Associates, is pleased to announce the availability of the Register of Indigenous Companies with Exploration Interests in Nigeria in digital format. The report, which was firs t compiled in 1996 and…

Grapevine | March 2000


…The First World Petroleum Congress 1933 The idea of a Congress is believed to have been considered just the year before in 1932 when the worldwide Depression was in force. It was therefore quite surprising that over 244 learned papers (covering all phases of the petroleum industry) were submitted for…

Reflections | March 2000