Massive Visualization Screen Hoisted Through 27th Floor Window of Downtown Calgary Office Tower
Veritas DCC Inc., installed an 18-by-7 foot, 500lb, viewing screen for a new state of the art Visualization Center at its downtown Calgary headquarters. Rooftop crane operators lifted the 1,000-lb. package, including crate, to the 27th floor and inserted the acrylic screen through removed window panels on the North side of the office tower.
Clear weather conditions helped make the installation possible, as the project was subject to strict safety factors including an above freezing temperature, low winds, and a depressurized atmosphere within the 32-floor office tower.

Excalibur-Gemini's Five Year Anniversary Party
More than 450 people from the industry helped the Excalibur-Gemini Group celebrate their five-year anniversary at Bookers BBQ Grill and Crab Shack on March 1st, 2000. The Mardi-Gras style party with Cajun cuisine, street performers, stilt walkers, costumes, beads, masks and general merriment was held to show appreciation and gratitude to those people who helped to build Excalibur-Gemini to what it is today.
Calgary Site for Year 2000 SEG International Exposition & Seventieth Annual Meeting
Three hundred companies in the energy exploration industry will be converging on Calgary Aug. 6-11 for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) International Exposition & Seventieth Annual Meeting.
These high-tech companies will occupy over 250,000 square feet of exhibit space at the Calgary Stampede during the exposition. More than 8,000 delegates, representing roughly 5O countries, are expected to attend.
Geoscientists will assemble to exchange technical information in the field of exploration geophysicists and examine the latest technology and equipment. This year's Technical Program will offer numerous pre-convention continuing education courses, several technical luncheons and receptions, oral paper presentation sessions, poster paper presentations, and a variety of workshops.
The theme of the event, "Focus on the Future," is evident in the leading-edge exploration technologies that are expected to be showcased for the first time on the exposition floor.
For more information contact: John Van Gundy, SEG 918-497-5534.
Nett D-Series Diesel Purifiers With Add-On Mufflers for Diesel Equipment in Underground Mining
Nett Technologies Inc. now has a line of D-series add-on mufflers for diesel equipment operating underground. Ten available sizes cover all classes of mining equipment: from the huge LHD and hauling trucks through personal carriers and auxiliary vehicles to the smallest portable diesel gen-sets. The mufflers are designed to install together with D-series diesel catalytic purifiers, manufactured by Nett Technologies.
Add-on mufflers connect directly with the purifier bodies by means of quick release clamps. The resulting purifier- muffler assemblies are extreme] y compact and can be installed on vehicles where little space is available. The addon mufflers are made of corrosion resistant, heavy gauge materials for long life and high durability. They incorporate a system of perforated tubes and baffles unique for this category of products. Despite their compact size and low-pressure drop they offer high noise attenuation in excess of 20-dB (A).

NETT D-series catalytic purifiers are an effective means to reduce toxic emissions from underground diesel equipment and to meet the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) air quality requirements. Emissions of carbon monoxide can be reduced by over 90%. Hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and their derivatives are also reduced resulting in almost complete reduction of the characteristic odor of diesel exhaust. The purifiers reduce about 80-90% of the heavy hydrocarbon fraction of diesel particulates (SOF). The reduction of SOF translates to a 20-50% reduction in the total particulate matter emissions. Conversions are maximized when low sulfur fuel is used.
Mustagh Resources Announces the Seismic Courses to be Offered in the Year 2000 by Norm Cooper
"An Introduction to Seismic Methods" 3-7 April, 15-19 May, 24-28 July, 18-22 September is an overview of reflection seismic methods that lasts 5 days. The interplay of acquisition, processing and interpretation is emphasized. Some of the areas covered are: basic background geology, the fundamental seismic principle, energy loss mechanisms, the receiver, energy source, seismic records, the common depth point method, static corrections, signal theory, instrumentation, evaluation of noise, design of vibroseis parameters, data processing, interpretation, 3D design and case histories.
"Land Seismic Acquisition, Theory and Techniques" 23-24 May, 31 July, 1 Aug, 25-26 September is a two day course that reviews technical and operational considerations to optimize programs for your exploration targets. Each program parameter is discussed and its impact on the success of the program is examined. An appreciation of the impact of field techniques on the quality of the final interpreted product will be emphasized. In more depth, some of the subjects discussed ·will be: the energy source, receivers, instrumentation, evaluation of noise, overview of vibroseis parameters, survey considerations, program preparation, field visits, etc.
"3-D Seismic Acquisition, Design and Quality Control" 25-26 May, 2-3 Aug, 2-3 Oct. develops a logical sequence of procedures used to determine the optimum 3-D parameters to meet your exploration objectives. The success of 3D programs depend a great deal on achieving the correct spatial and statistical sampling of the wavefield. The areas studied in this two day course are: overview of the 3D technique, considerations of the geology and the seismic program, 3D design, recording systems and quality assurance, advanced 3D techniques and case histories.
"Vibroseis Theory and Parameter Design" 5-6 June, 14-15 Aug, 27-28 September is a two day course that provides an overview of the myriad of parameters available in modern vibroseis programs. The significance of each parameter is discussed and some guidance is provided for optimizing parameters for your objectives. This course also reviews the physical and electronic construction of the vibrator system. By developing a sound understanding of the working of vibrators, participants will gain an appreciation for the techniques used to quality control vibroseis operations.
For a complete outline of the courses and registration, please visit our web page: or call us @ (403) 265-5255.
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