Spectrum Announces Updated Nigerian Register in Digital Format

Spectrum Energy and Information Technology Limited, in conjunction with Thomas and Associates, is pleased to announce the availability of the Register of Indigenous Companies with Exploration Interests in Nigeria in digital format. The report, which was firs t compiled in 1996 and is updated on a regular basis can now be purchased on CD.

The Register is the most comprehensive report written to date on exploration opportunities with indigenous companies in Nigeria . There are currently 46 Nigerian indigenous companies with interests in 55 permits, onshore and offshore Nigeria. Many of the companies are seeking both technical and financial partners in order to fulfill their license obligations. A number of the companies have been successful in securing partners, drilling for oil and gas and in some cases producing hydrocarbons.

Petrosys Pty Inc. Opens up a Canadian Office

Petrosys Pty Inc., a mapping and well database software company with its headquarters in Adelaide, Australia, has just opened Petrosys Canada Inc. in Calgary, Alberta. The Canadian office has been opened to support local clients and to market its mapping package and well database software suites. For more details and contact information look on the web site at www.petrosys.com.au.

Getting the 'Hole' Picture

ESG Canada is proud to announce a new computer program that provides one-stop shopping for geotechnical engineers who need their underground observations recorded and stored in one convenient spot. The ROCKPRO ROCK MECHANICS DATABASE is the rock mechanic's right hand man, providing the kind of organization that increases production efficiency and allows for the optimum in mine safety.

The standard ROCKPRO computer database records and stores and even summarizes every possible bit of information ground control teams need: general observations, ground support evaluation and unusual occurrences. It provides a permanent record of entire mine history crucial for future design and from which government and internal reports, complete with corporate logo, can be generated automatically.

ROCKPRO observation forms offer the ability to assign coordinates to the location where each observation was made. When pulled in to a 3D program, ROCKPRO gives you a clear picture of every critical observation ever made in your mine. Future ROCKPRO developments will include custom forms, Internet access, and the ability to enter data directly into the system while underground.

ESG Canada, the six year old Engineering Seismology Group in Kingston, Ontario produces seismic monitoring systems that locate and an analyze micro-earthquakes for industrial applications.

Veritas Announces Winter/Spring 2000 Industry Course Schedule

The first industry course titled Exploration - From Geology to the Seismic Section, is a two-day course that takes participants through a qualitative approach to geological, seismic acquisition and processing principles, leading into the seismic response to geology in which various examples of geological features on seismic sections are discussed.

The second two day course in the series, Seismic Interpretation - Images of Geology, is designed for geologists, engineers and others needing a solid introduction to seismic interpretation principles. Emphasis is placed on the correct imaging of geology, followed by a section on pattern recognition of both structural and stratigraphic examples.

The courses will be given at Veritas GeoServices' downtown Calgary location, 2200, 715 - 5th Avenue S.W., from 8:00am 5:00pm on the following dates:

March 14 & 15, 2000
Seismic Interpretation: Images of Geology

April 5 & 6, 2000
From Geology to the Seismic Section

April 11 & 12, 2000
Seismic Interpretation: Images of Geology

May, 2000
From Geology to the Seismic Section (GeoCanada 2000 Pre-Convention Course)

Course Fee: $550.00 plus GST. Group rates a re available. (Prices are in effect until April 12, 2000)

Contact Veritas by phone at (403) 205-6257 or by email at register@veritasdgc.com to register or for information on customizing the course for your company's in-house training requirements.

Acquisition Prime Surveys Ltd. Sylvan 3D Seismic Program Nearly Complete

Prime Surveys Ltd. announced that acquisition of their 655 square kilometer Sylvan 3D seismic program is nearly complete. Tom Rothwell, Impact 2000, Raymac Surveys, and Polaris Explore r have helped to make sure that this project will be completed on time and on budget.

One of the largest non-exclusive participation surveys to be undertaken this season, field operations will conclude by the middle of March, a record ninety days from start and an accomplishment considered impossible by many in the industry.

Prime has had one of their more successful seasons in recent years due to this project and the acquisition of a 2D regional grid over the unexplored Canadian Forces Base at Suffield, an area where unprecedented land sale results are expected in about three weeks time.



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