November 2010 Edition

Vol. 35, Issue No. 09
It’s the Fluids that Count
Mike Batzle
“When you look down a rocky path what do you see: stepping-stones or stumbling blocks; it is the point of view that counts.”
An interview with John Fernando
Depth Conversion and Seismic Lithology Inversion of a McMurray Oil Sands Reservoir
Rainer Tonn
Seismic Wave Phenomena and Implications for Accuracy of Microseismic Results
B. Fuller, L. Engelbrecht, R. Van Dok, M. Sterling, M. Kniffin, and L. Walter
The more we listen the more we see: Microseismic monitoring of induced seismicity is coming of age
Juan M. Reyes-Montes, Will S. Pettitt and R. Paul Young
Microseismic Moment Tensors: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
David W. Eaton and Farshid Forouhideh
How much experience is enough?
Tom Sneddon
Presidential Column
Executive Message
CAGC Column
Tracing the Industry
Material published in the RECORDER includes views and opinions of the respective contributors, and does not necessarily represent those of the CSEG or its affiliates. The CSEG does not endorse or warrant the information printed. While the CSEG strives to ensure the content published is correct, the CSEG cannot guarantee its accuracy.