This month I am doing something different. I am starting the column with GIVING BACK. The charity talked about in this portion of the column deals with Child Sexual Abuse. I urge you to support this cause in any way that you can.

Giving Back…

Victor Walk – Bill Goodwin, Terra-Sine Resources Ltd.

Terra-Sine Resources Ltd. is supporting a very worthwhile project initiated by one of Calgary’s hockey greats, Theo Fleury. It is called the “Victor Walk” and it brings attention to an issue that has been neglected by our politicians and our courts for far too long-Child Sexual Abuse. Terra-Sine invites you to go to the website which provides you the details on the “Victor Walk” movement at

Terra-Sine is supporting Theo’s movement because we believe it is the right thing to do and we believe in what he is trying accomplish. I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Theo and I can tell you he is as strong as ever, passionate and sincere about affecting changes that will help protect our kids from sexual predators and provide opportunities for healing to those who have been abused. By now most everyone in the country now knows who Graham James is and what he did to so many innocent kids, but unfortunately he is not the only predator out there waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of a position of trust to serve their own deviant purposes.

Are you aware that a victim of sexual abuse that testifies in court against their tormentor is not allowed to read their victim impact statement without prior review and editing by the defense attorney? Thus rarely, if ever, is the impact statement presented to the court verbatim! Not exactly what you could call proper justice … regardless of how “legally correct” the action may be.

As in the James case, he gets off with a 2-year sentence, and his victims have to live with what he has done to them for the rest of their lives. This is justice?

If, after you have visited the website, you are moved to participate in the walk, organize your own walk, sign the petition or pledge funds in any amount, corporately or privately, you can do it online.

And for additional support do not forget to visit the Victor Walk store.

We have yet to secure the “corporate hero” that we need to support the walk, so if you are interested in please contact me directly at 403-294-1075.

I would ask that you forward this message to anyone you feel would be interested in supporting or participating in the cause. Thanks for taking the time to hear me out on this.


Mike Smorodin would like to let all of his friends and colleagues know that he has moved over to Apoterra Seismic Processing Ltd. The best way to reach Mike is by email at or on his cellphone at 403-880-1282.

Marko Mah is pleased to announce to his friends and colleagues that he is working as a Senior Staff Geophysicist at Husky Energy. He was previously working at Waseca Energy. Marko can be reached at 403 523 2407 or via e-mail at

Shirley Fleming is pleased to announce that she has joined Pengrowth Energy as a Sr. Geoscience Technologist. You can reach Shirley at 403-806-3212 or shirley.fleming@



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