I am writing this column while soaking my feet after another convention. No matter what you do, standing for hours is hard on your body! I hope everyone enjoyed the convention as much as I did.

would like to introduce a new segment to this column. MOVING ON IN....

The University Student Outreach committee (Anne Halladay, Petro-Canada, Stephen Kotkas, Sigma Explorations, Brad Camroux, Geophysical Service Inc. and Tina Bozic, University of Calgary) has been working hard. They recently sent out a newsletter to all the geophysics student societies and invited new graduates to put an announcement in this column in order to introduce themselves to the seismic industry. So far I have only had one new graduate take advantage of the offer. Hmmm… I wonder why more new graduates did not capitalize on the opportunity to introduce themselves to the 2200 geophysical industry professionals that read the RECORDER? Don’t be shy; we want to get to know the new people joining our industry. And think how proud your parents will be!


There is still a chance! If you would like your new graduate announcement to be included in the September issue of the RECORDER, please submit it by the end of July. CS

Nicole Willson is excited to finally be able to begin her career and see geophysics in action. She is graduating this summer with a BSc in Geophysics with Minors in Geology and Cultural Anthropology. As part of her final year of courses, Nicole completed an undergraduate thesis in environmental geophysics. She looked at Induced Polarization as a tool to detect LNAPLs which are low density weathered hydrocarbons. Nicole’s summer experience includes employment as an oilfield labourer and as an assistant land surveyor in Fort McMurray. Nicole has also worked for three summers in Calgary doing environmental, engineering and mining geophysics as well as interpretation for oil and gas. Nicole is honoured to be one of the chosen student delegates attending the 19th World Petroleum Council Meeting this summer in Madrid, Spain. You can contact Nicole at (403) 615-7026 or nwillson@shaw.ca.


Joseph Reklow would like his friends and colleagues to know that he has started a software consulting company called Rekware, specializing in support and utility software for the seismic processing industry. Joe brings 18 years processing and programming experience to the software contracting business and can be reached at joseph.reklow@rekware.com or at (403) 210-2214.

Mark Watson is pleased to announce that he has joined Olympic Seismic as Vice President of Operations and can be reached at mwatson@olysei.com or 515-5885.

Jim Bambrick is Manager, Geosciences at Loon Energy Inc. (phone :264-8877, e-mail: jbambrick@loon-energy.com). Loon explores for oil & gas in Brunei, Columbia, Peru and Syria (operator).

Marko Mah is pleased to announce that he has transferred back from Norway to Canada with StatoilHydro Canada Ltd. He is currently working as a Senior Geophysicist in the oil sands group here in Calgary. Marko can be reached at 513- 1187 or by email at marmah@statoilhydro.com.

Prime Seismic Data Ltd. (formerly Prime Surveys Ltd.) is pleased to welcome Sandy Lucas to our team. Sandy, along with Terry Topak and Dan Maylan, will continue to provide the industry with high quality, participation seismic surveys, carrying on the tradition since 1994.

Sandy brings with her a number of years of sales and marketing experience in various aspects of the geophysical industry. She invites her clients, friends and colleagues to contact her at (403) 290-1121 or by e-mail @ lucas@primeseismic.com . Also at this time Prime would like to advise the industry of their new address: 750, 630 - 6th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 0S8 Tel.# 290-1121 Fax. # 269-2575 www.primeseismic.com.

Denis Couturier, after 11 years with Gulf and 22 years with Petro-Canada, is at least for now retired. So far this year he has traveled to Egypt, Turkey and Alaska; two major fishing trips are planned for this summer. Denis can be contacted at DECA-resources@shaw.ca.

SHE’S BAAAACK! Susan Thomson has said good-bye to Regis and Kelly, and would like you to know she’s excited to be working on the Jean Marie in NEBC with the Strategic Development group at EnCana. She can be contacted at susan.thomson@encana.com, or 645-4327.

Neil Ethier would like to announce that he has joined Winstar Resources Ltd. as a senior geophysicist. He can be reached at (403) 513-4208 or by email at nethier@winstar.ca.

Kinetex Inc. is pleased to announce two new additions to their growing team. Stacey Perilli earned an honors degree in geology and a masters in geochemistry before working as chief observer on a marine seismic crew. Jeremy Honchell earned his honors degree in Geophysical Engineering from Queen’s University and brings over 7 years of diverse processing expertise from around the globe. Stacey joins Kinetex as Marketing Manager, and Jeremy has been brought on as Project Supervisor – Processing. They can be reached at 263-3330. Kinetex Inc. is a high-quality seismic imaging service provider, acquiring exclusively multi-component full-wave seismic data using the digital ION Vectorseis recording system since 2003.

Kelman Technologies Inc. is pleased to announce that Doug Kuervers has returned to Calgary to run our local processing operations. Doug brings with him a wealth of international processing experience, which he gained from nearly 4 years of running KTI’s Houston Centre. This will assist us greatly with the increasing number of international projects being done out of Calgary. He encourages friends, colleagues and clients to contact him, at (403) 294-5259 (direct), doug@kelman.com, or 828-8062 (cell).


Over the years I have found out that most people got involved in the seismic industry “by accident” more than design. Each person’s story is always unique and entertaining. Amanda was a great volunteer with the CSEG and we miss her on the JGF committee. If you would like to share your story, please let me know! CS

Amanda Nicholls – CGGVeritas

I was recently asked to share the story about how I got into geophysics, and why I am where I am. It was only when I really stopped to think about what to write that I realized that, like most of you, I stumbled on Geophysics by accident.

Perhaps it was the brief period in my ‘teens’ – when I dropped out of High School – that led me to an amazing discovery. It was only when I was outside of school that I discovered I was far more interested in being educated than the prospect of working the rest of my life ‘flipping meat patties’ at my local burger store. So, back to school I went!

I eventually finished High School and made the move to attend the University of Calgary. I was somewhat over-zealous and highly optimistic about the prospect of becoming a Geologist in four years. However, as I’m sure many of you can attest, it is always easier said than done.

After a positive start, the reality of work and study soon hit me and I discovered that attending classes by day and working by night – to pay the rent – was becoming a bigger burden than I thought it would be. Specifically, I spent my days at University and my nights at the Ranchman’s, where I was employed in various positions throughout my life as a student.

While I found that some of the prerequisite options for my Geology Degree were quite interesting, it ultimately led me to the field of Astrophysics. Consequently I spent a couple years studying the stars and planets but was confronted with an interesting dilemma – namely what the heck could I do with a B.Sc. in Astrophysics without getting a Ph.D. Well, even though the notion of Dr. Nicholls ‘Space-Woman’ did cross my mind it was for reasons best left unsaid that this was not an option I would realistically consider. So, I jumped to the next logical choice, the combination of Astrophysics and Geology, which we fondly refer to as Geophysics.

Once I caught the ‘Geophysics Train’ I was hooked. Here was exactly what I had been looking for. It was interesting, it was exciting, and it was fun. But, like all good roller-coaster rides there must be ‘ups’ and there must be ‘downs’. It didn’t matter how much I enjoyed physics – calculus and other math were not my friends! While I found I could do the math, it was not something I enjoyed. Take away the numbers and put it to words, and life was good again.

As I was plugging away at getting my degree I heard about a chance to rub elbows with a bunch of working Geophysicists called the Junior Geophysicists Forum. With the idea of a chance to socialize being dangled in front of me like a carrot to a donkey, I jumped at the opportunity to attend. It was at this event where I first met Carmen Swalwell. It would turn out to be a very important meeting. This was the beginning of my networking frenzy.

During the ‘networking’ period I was also the president of GUSS, which allowed me a few extra opportunities to get out and meet people. Anyway, over the next couple of years I met many people, and I made sure to follow up when necessary. This eventually led me to CGGVeritas, where I was hired into the GeoRise program. This program took me to Houston, Tx for a few months – and then off to sunny Perth, Australia. It has been a great experience, and I have had the opportunity to learn a lot.

So, that’s pretty much it. I am now living in Perth, where I plan to reside permanently, and everything is finally falling into place. I am very glad I realized early on that making contacts would prove to be so important. Life often passes people by while they are making grand plans for it – so ensure you take every opportunity to meet people – at all levels in life- and you’ll find that ‘everything just falls into place’.

Anyone interested in hearing more about my experiences, or just wanting to chat, can feel free to contact me at amanda.nicholls@cggveritas.com. If you happen to be in Perth let me know. I would love to hear some news from home over beverages. I can be reached in Perth at 9214 6262 (w) or 044 986 2711 (c).



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