Over the last several years, the oil and gas industry has been pushing for a tighter integration of seismic and reservoir properties through the use of quantitative rock physics relationships. The crux of this quantitative seismic interpretation is the use of P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and density, measured in the field and the laboratory, combined with the wave equation to specify rock properties. This is a great leap forward for interpretation from simply making time or depth maps.
This presentation covers the evolution of quantitative seismic interpretation techniques, such as AVO and lambda-mu-rho, with an emphasis on impedance inversion to resolve ambiguities in lithology and fluid identification. In particular, we will see how fluid and non-fluid effects change our seismic attributes.
Attention will be placed on the steps involved in seismic inversion, the options available and how seismic data is calibrated against well information. The audience will gain an understanding of modern quantitative seismic interpretation and its use in modern reservoir characterization and monitoring projects.
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