John C. Crosby (Democratic United States Representative for the State of Massachusetts 1890) once said, “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” The Student Workshop held March 13, 2019 by the Mentorship Program at the University of Calgary encompassed all of this through discussing different ‘Pathways to Employability’. Top industry professionals set the tone of the workshop by sharing what they think makes a student employable, from resumes to interview tips, to the importance of engagement. This was followed by a joint discussion in smaller groups amongst mentors and mentees. Below you will find some of the great tips from the session.

What value do you bring?

Are you volunteering, networking and engaging with the industry? You need to create opportunities for yourself and remember to be reliable and accountable.


Make sure there are no spelling errors and you have correct company logos. Remember, not only work experience, but life experience is valuable and noticed. Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Coding are an asset and don’t forget to list important school projects as professional experience.


Expose your true self, who you are to the geoscience community, and how you are an ideal candidate. And don’t forget to do your research!

Theme: Get Out There. Invest in Your Career. Be Genuine & True to Yourself

The students learned about several pathways to becoming more employable and it was obviously fun for the professionals too. This student workshop is one of the many events the Mentorship Program holds.  If you’re interested in learning more about the ‘Pathways to Employability’ from our panel of our experts, watch a recap of the event here.

The CSEG-Foundation Mentorship program is a one-on-one, professional-to-student mentorship program.  We focus on cultivating meaningful mentorship relationships as a way of sharing wisdom across generations.  We are focused on developing future leaders in the geoscience community.

Selene Grimstead
from absolute imaging inc. – A new Mentorship Program Committee Member   


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