Neda Boroumand
President Elect
Dr. Neda Boroumand has over 10 years of work experience in both the energy and mining industry and geotechnical applications. Her background is in acquisition, processing and interpretation of passive seismic data.
Dr. Boroumand earned a B.Sc. and Ph.D. In Geophysics from the University of Calgary. Her Ph.D. research focused on “Microseismic Interpretation of Hydraulic Fracture Processes in Unconventional Reservoirs”. She has presented and lectured on several topics at conferences, workshops and short courses. Neda has also authored and co-authored several publications with more forthcoming and reviews manuscripts for a variety of peer reviewed Journals.
Currently, Dr. Boroumand runs her own consulting practice that focuses on deriving meaning from geophysical, geological and engineering data and turn it into useful knowledge to help improve business results.
"Three years ago, you gave me the opportunity to serve as the 2017 CSEG’s Director of Finance. In that time, I worked closely with the other members of the Board, incredible volunteers and dedicated staff to 1) reduce the deficit, 2) focus on our top member-valued programs including RECORDER, Geoconvention and Technical Luncheons, 3) promote our society using our digital platform and social media and 4) engage with other Societies, Universities and organizations.
We have a lot of work to do still. We need to come up with creative ways in which we can increase our revenue, create a strong balance sheet, be the digital go-to information source, adopt a multi-disciplinary focus and become a truly Canada-wide Society.
believe that the CSEG’s 2018 Vice President / 2019 President should have a strong understanding of the finances, be clear on the long-term goals of the Society and have already taken steps to help move us into a sustainable position. I believe that this candidate is me, and with your support, we can continue to move forward on these objectives."

Geoffrey Fraser
for Vice President
Geoff is a Geophysicist and the CSEG’s current Director of Education, who joined the CSEG executive in 2017 as the Assistant Director of Education. Prior to that, Geoff enjoyed a 33-year career with Amoco and BP Canada, starting in 1980. Over that time, he worked as an interpreter, discipline lead, acquisition manager and team leader in a wide variety of geological settings, both onshore and offshore, and in Canada and Trinidad.
"When I joined the CSEG executive in the Education portfolio, I was convinced of the importance of providing our members with quality continuing education opportunities. Over the two years since then, I have come to realize that our society is far more than simply a vehicle for educational classes. While professional development is a vital part of what the CSEG provides, we also offer a way for our members to connect socially and professionally. I also recognize that the future of the CSEG is not assured in a world where there are multiple competing ways for people to make those connections.
If elected as Vice President, I will work with our enthusiastic, skilled volunteers, staff and members to transition the CSEG toward a more sustainable future. I believe that future will entail a robust online presence; an ability for members to effectively connect, discuss, learn and develop using modern networking tools. The CSEG needs to become a preferred place for our members to obtain information, education and networking. Together we can create a vibrant future for the CSEG and ourselves."

Doug Colvin
for Assistant Director of Finance
Doug Colvin received his B.Sc. (Hons) in Geophysics, from the University of Alberta, in 1975, and began his first job with John Card at Sun Oil in the Mackenzie Delta – Beaufort Sea Group. While working there he attended the University of Calgary as a part-time graduate student and in 1978 obtained a M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics.
In 1978 Doug spent a year undergoing training in seismic data processing in Richardson (Dallas) with Sun Oil. He then transferred to the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) where he worked for 3 years as an interpreter in North East B.C. and Northern Alberta, working the Peace River Arch, Granite Wash, Slave Point Plays, and Sturgeon Lake D3 reef-type plays.
In 1981 Doug joined Ocelot Industries, working North East B.C. and Northern Alberta, and parts of off-shore West Africa and onshore United States, as Ocelot tried to branch out beyond Canada.
In 1983 Doug took an offer from Anadarko Petroleum of Canada as a Division Geophysicist, where he worked for almost ten years. In 1993, Anadarko decided to move the exploration function to Houston, but Doug did not want to move his family so he accepted a position at Canadian Hunter as an Interpreter in Central and Southern Alberta.
Unfortunately, in early 1995, Doug was laid off, but he went right back to work as a consultant with Inverness Petroleum working as an Interpreter in SW Saskatchewan.
In December 1995, Rigel Oil and Gas purchased Inverness and Doug began working for Rigel as an Interpreter in SE Saskatchewan. Then 4 years later when Talisman (TLM) acquired Rigel, he moved over to TLM as a Senior Geophysicist, where he worked Saskatchewan and South-Central Alberta. In 2003, he assumed the position as a Team Leader, Chauvin and Saskatchewan, supervising a team of 16 geologists, geophysicists, and technologists.
In 2010 Doug left TLM and became a Marketing Advisor / Seismic Data Processor for Statcom, and is well known throughout the Calgary oil patch as a people person who enjoys working with young people in the industry.
Doug is standing for election to Assistant Finance Director to aid the CSEG in continuing to make it a relevant, financially viable, and significant contributor to the oil and gas industry into 2020. He has many years of experience in managing seismic, land, processing, and drilling budgets in large and small companies with great success. He hopes to translate these skills into the executive as we move into 2019 and beyond. Next year, 2019, will be the most difficult to weather for geophysics and the industry in general. The Society will need solid, experienced leadership to survive and prosper and Doug would like to be part of that team for the next two years.

Scott D. Matieshin
for Assistant Director of Education
With more than a three-decade passion for the Earth Sciences, I have been contributing, as a Professional Geophysicist (P.Geo), to the oil and gas industry for over 20 years. The majority of that time has been in the employ of a handful of companies: Gulf, Talisman, CNRL, Penn West, in a variety of exploration and development roles throughout Canada and occasionally abroad. My focus has always been a learning- and skills-based approach to problem solving and working toward the mastery of the fundamentals of our discipline while embracing new approaches and applications.
My formal training at the University of Saskatchewan includes dual undergraduate degrees in Geology (B.SC. Hons) and Geophysics (B.Sc), with my M.Sc. in Applied Seismic Studies from the same institution.
believe ongoing education to be one of the fundamental cornerstones of our profession. The Geosciences are in a continual state of growth and expansion. Changes in technology, hardware, software, and even exploration philosophy, coupled with dynamic and ever-fluid global political and economic considerations, mean that in many ways a professional geoscientist’s career, and the technical demands thereof, can be reinvented and wholly redefined in the space of a handful of years. Learnability has become a key job-skill.
The CSEG has, through its very successful educational programs, striven to meet the needs of a changing professional environment. By presenting timely opportunities for members at all stages of their career progression to expand their skillsets and improve their knowledge bases, the CSEG provides a valuable service to its membership. If elected as the new Assistant Director of Education, I would see to it as my responsibility to ensure that the CSEG continues its tradition of excellence in its educational programs and I would support and strive for the expansion of those programs and the addition of new knowledge-sharing platforms or venues as can be economically and logistically made available to our members. We are all fortunate to be members of a profession where the joy of learning and ongoing education are valued, encouraged, and vital. I intend to honour that.

Marie Hong
for Assistant Director of Communications
Marie Hong attended Queen’s University, graduating in 1982 with a B.Sc. degree in Geological/Geophysical Engineering. She started with Chevron immediately upon graduation, where she acquired extensive training and valuable exposure to various projects across Canada. After Chevron, she moved to various other major and intermediate oil & gas companies and is now working as a Senior Geophysicist at Pengrowth Energy Corporation. She is a member of the CSEG, SEG, and APEGA.
Marie has been volunteering with the ESfS event for many years, however she would like to become more active within the geophysical community. She is looking forward to working with the Director, the Executive Committee, the Digital Media Committee, and the editors of the RECORDER to investigate more creative ways of maintaining excellence in communications in these challenging times.

Eric Rops
for Assistant Director of Member Services
Eric Rops is an M.Sc. Geophysics graduate from the University of Calgary, and currently working with Nexen-CNOOC as a G.I.T. (since 2017).
Since starting at Nexen, he has been focusing on regional seismic interpretation in the Athabasca Oil Sands. More recently, he has developed an interest in coding (R) and has gotten involved with Nexen’s Data Analytics Group, whose role it is to make sense of the utterly massive amounts of data it holds, to best inform business decisions.
Eric is running for the position of Assistant Director of Member Services. If elected, he would want to focus on two main areas. First, to improve on the communication between the CSEG and the various event subcommittees and work on how we can better leverage each other (JGF, Doodlebug, Doodlespiel, T-wave golf, etc). Second, to become familiar with managing the logistics of the various social events run by Member Services (Volunteer Appreciation, Stampede Luncheon etc). Eric would like to explore ways to draw wider demographic audiences to these events than we’ve had in previous years.
Eric has been involved with the CSEG since 2014 volunteering for the Geophysical Industry Field Trip (GIFT), and ultimately chaired the 2018 GIFT committee. He is now looking forward to getting involved with the CSEG Executive in the Member Services role. In his spare time, he enjoys using his height for volleyball, and coming up with theories about the next Star Wars movies.
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