2017 CSEG Symposium honoring Satinder Chopra, held on April 16, 2017 at the Calgary Petroleum Club.

Old Man Professor

(With apologies and acknowledgements to Paul Robeson and the author of the lyrics to “Old Man River” in the movie “Showboat”.)

There’s an old man professor at university
That’s the old man that I’d like to be.
What does he care if the world’s got troubles?
What does he care if tuition ain’t free?

Old man professor
That old man professor,
He must know somethin’,
But he don’t say nothin’
He just keeps rollin’
He just keeps rollin’ along.

He don’t grade papers.
He just keeps talkin’,
And all those lectures are long forgotten.
But that old man professor,
He just keeps rollin’ along.

Students get weary
And sick of tryin’.
They’re tired of study
But skeered of failin’.
But old man professor.
He just keeps rollin’ along.

That old man professor, he just keeps rollin’ along.

Larry Lines,
Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary


Fig. 01a Fig. 01b
Morning Discussion Period: Dr. Larry Lines (above) and Dr. John Castagna (below)
Fig. 02
Mark Jeroncic (Symposium Chair) thanks Committee
Fig. 03
2017 Symposium Committee: L-R: Marc Boulet, Caylin Dobbie, Amanda Hill, Mike Perz, Mark Jeroncic (Chair 2017), Doug Clark (Chair 2018), Laurie Ross (Chair 2016)
Fig. 04
Speakers (Back L-R): Kurt Marfurt, Brian Russell, Satinder Chopra (2017 Honouree), Peter Vermeulen, David Monk, Marco Perez. Front (L-R): Fred Hilterman, John Castagna, Neda Boroumand
Fig. 05
Speakers and Committee (L-R) Back row: M. Boulet, C. Dobbie, K. Marfurt, M. Perz, A. Hall, B. Russell, S.Chopra, P. Vermeulen, D. Monk, M. Perez, M. Jeroncic (2017 Chair), Doug Clark (2018 Chair). Front Row: F. Hilterman, J. Castagna, N. Boroumand, L. Ross (2016 Chair)
Fig. 06
Catherine Martin, Mohammed Al-Ibrahim, Rongfeng Zhang
Fig. 07
(L) Ryan Burnham, Caitlin Latimer
(R) Krista Seitz, Tammy Chow
Fig. 08
(L) John Fernando, Kayla Hicks, and Pavlo Cholak getting lunch
(R) Junaid Khan, Christian Abaco, Louis Chabot, Stacey Hrycak
Fig. 09
(L) Mariah Bailer, A. Scott Thompson
(R) Laurie Ross, Rachel Newrick


Fig. 10
Symposium opening by Mark Jeroncic (2017 Symposium Chair)


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