Happy Holidays Everyone! Come the new year, there will be new initiatives from the CSEG Communications Team (RECORDER and Digital Media) designed to streamline information for our membership and advocate for our society. Please be patient while we get up to speed… and in the meantime, please pay close attention to the CSEG email bulletins, the CSEG website and the CSEG LinkedIn Page for up-to-date information on technical programs and social committee updates. Stay safe this holiday season… be kind to yourself and others.
On the Move...
Kevin Frankiw is pleased to announce he’s joined Tourmaline Oil Corp, starting November 1, 2018. Kevin can be reached over email at kevin.frankiw@tourmalineoil.com, or on his cell phone at 403-813-3262.
Technically Speaking
2019 Symposium
The Symposium Committee has named the late Roy Lindseth as their honouree for the 2019 Symposium which will be held in March 12th, 2019. Each year the Symposium honours one or more notable CSEG members, and the themes of the talks presented will relate to the work of the Honouree(s). In 2019, in honour of Roy, the Symposium will feature the theme of On the Shoulder of Giants.
Please go to https://cseg.ca/symposium/ for updates as they become available.
The format is a one-day, single session event, with lunch included. In order to attract case studies, there will be no published papers related to the work shown. Featured speakers will present by invitation only.
A highlight of the lunch will be the annual CSEG awards ceremony, with the outstanding achievements of the society's members honoured. Tickets for the lunch only will also be available.
The 2019 CSEG Symposium promises to be a highlight of the year, and a not-to-miss event for CSEG members!
Socially Speaking
WiSe Results
The Women in Seismic Committee (Trish Mulder, Lona Leavitt- Brown, Jennifer Welsh, Kerri Auck, Joanne Poloway and Kristy Manchul) would like to thank everyone who came out on September 26th to play in our annual WiSe Golf Tournament! Thanks to all of our raffle prize donors and players, we raised over $4500 for Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research and $1000 for the CSEG Foundation Scholarship Program! We could not do this tournament without you!
It was a perfect-ish day out on the Fox Hollow Golf Course... well, at least it wasn't snowing! HUGE thanks to our tournament sponsors: the CSEG, Dynacore, Copyseis, Iron Mountain, Katalyst Data Management, Signature Seismic, Santos, Seitel, Sigma Explorations, Forge Oil & Gas, ARC Resources, DisplayCo, Echo Seismic, Divestco, Earth Signal, T&T Disposals, Eagle Canada, Seismic Exchange, and Crew Energy!
2018 was the year of the “Greatest Hits”. Congratulations to the winners of the Sean Callaghan Spirit Award, the Gorgeous Ladies of Seismic (GLOS… think GLOW) who showed the most enthusiasm by wrestling their way around the golf course. We also had multiple Adeles, Madonnas, Greatest s...Hits, Joan Jetts, KISS, Winnie the Poo… Stay tuned for next year’s tournament details coming soon!

2019 CSEG Doodlespiel – Registration Open
This year's Doodlespiel will be held in Banff, Alberta from January 18 – 20, 2019. To register a team, please go to the Doodlespiel Website Registration will run from November 1 to December 15, 2018. If you have any questions or problems, please contact Lona Gregory-Brown at registration@doodlespiel.com.
Doodlespiel 2019: Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available!
With nearly 300 geoscience-based participants every year, the Doodlespiel offers excellent marketing exposure for our sponsors at a variety of levels.
For information visit the Doodlespiel website or contact either Tacita Schmid (tschmid@outlierresources.com) or Fabio Marson (fabio.marson@halliburton.com).
52nd Annual CSEG Family Ski Spree February 8-10, 2019
A weekend of fun for the whole family including ski and snowboard races, a kids obstacle course, crafts, games, a scavenger hunt and other activities for children of all ages. Families can also visit the resort and hotel hot tubs.
Adults will enjoy seeing lots of new and old friends while participating in the many social events of the weekend as the Geophysical Industry comes to Fairmont, British Columbia.
Go to www.csegskispree.com for registration information.
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