Happy New Year! I want to tell you about a new CSEG function that I am involved in. On March 22, 2012, the first CSEG Symposium will be held at the Telus Convention Centre. Each year, the Symposium will honor one or more prominent CSEG members. This year, the Symposium will honour Dan Hampson and Brian Russell. The Symposium is a one day event, single sessions, featuring speakers that have been selected by the Symposium committee. The sessions will feature the application of value-adding technologies in a case study format. Due to the sensitive nature of the case studies, there will no published papers or abstracts.

My fellow columnist Roger Smith (Through the Eyes of the Student) and I are in charge of Sponsorship. So you are welcome to contact either one of us if you have any questions. Please watch the CSEG website for more details and register early.


I was very pleased to receive the following update from Gary Paukert. It is very gratifying that as far away as Columbia, people open their RECORDER to this column and read it first! –CS

My CSEG RECORDER just arrived here in South America and that reminded me to update my whereabouts with those back home in Canada. After 5-1/2 years in Aberdeen, Scotland and Stavanger, Norway with Talisman, in January of 2011 I left to join C&C Energia, Ltd. as Exploration Manager – South America. As of November am living in Bogotá, Colombia, exploring for oil in the Llanos and Putumayo basins.

James Keay has joined the Arcis team in the role of Director of Geosciences. He has over 30 years of international experience in operations management, business development, G&G interpretation, and integrated studies. James will be responsible for supporting and growing Arcis’ global operations and maximizing the value of Arcis’ data library through geotechnical evaluations. He can be reached at jkeay@arcis.com


One year ago, Eli was born (Dec 19, 2010)… Changing the life of his parents (Franck Delbecq (CGGVeritas) and Anne Carraud) and leaving no time to his dad to announce it properly in the RECORDER! This is now done... Parents would like to thank all the support they had during this hectic but rewarding year.



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