Merry Christmas! I am one of those people that still wishes everyone Merry Christmas and loves to receive the greeting in return. So this Christmas season I wish all the RECORDER readers a safe and happy holiday. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Karine King has joined NAL Resources as a Geophysical Technologist working in the Operations Department. Karine will be no longer consulting as a G&G Technician nor providing Data Management services through her consulting company KP Technical Services. Karine wishes to thank all of my past clients. You can contact Karen at 515-3423 or

Pat Shannon, Operations Manager of Direct Digital Online Inc. is pleased to announce that Dan Tetreault has joined the team in the role of Sales and Marketing Manager. Dan brings over twenty years of combined seismic experience to DDO. Dan will be responsible for marketing DDO’s data archival and support services. DDO founded in 1998 specializes in data archival from all industry formats and media. Dan’s contact details are:; Tel 403-265-6886; Cell 403-370-6124.

CGGVeritas is pleased to announce that Vincent Rajic has joined our team as a Geophysical Depth Imager. Vincent has over 12 years of experience in the Oil and Gas Industry which includes expertise in Acquisition, Design and Processing as well as various roles in the Geophysical Software Industry. Vincent would like to let his friends and colleagues know that he can be reached directly at (403) 205-6285 or by email at

Earth Signal Processing Ltd. is pleased to announce that Patrick Tutty has joined their organization in the role of Sales and Marketing/Senior Processor. Patrick can be reached at or (403) 264-8722 or on cell at (403) 829-3261.

Brian E. Sondergaard would like to announce he has moved on from Real Resources and as of Sept 17 2007 has accepted a position as Chief Geophysicist at Sword Energy Inc. He is very excited about this new opportunity and can be reached @ 403 303 3496, cell 403 519 2060 or you can email him @

Dave Timko and Randal Gill would like to inform all their friends and colleagues know that they have both moved back from the Fugro-Jason Middle East office. They are both currently working out of the Fugro-Jason Calgary office. Randal is our second Business Manager here and Dave is responsible for our Interpretation Products. In their spare time now they are riding horses rather than camels! Dave and Randy can both be contacted on 263-3340 or and, respectively.

Tingge Wang has recently joined Fugro-Jason. Tingge comes with over 15 years experience in Beijing, China, mainly in seismic acquisition, data processing, seismic interpretation and reservoir geophysics. He is currently finishing his M.Sc. thesis here at the University of Calgary under the CHORUS group, using the Jason software for Reservoir Characterisation through seismic inversion. Tingge can be contacted on 263-3340 or

Jawwad Ahmad joined Fugro-Jason in the summer. He has also recently completed his M.Sc. in Geophysics at the University of Alberta under Dr Douglas Schmitt. Before joining Fugro-Jason, Jawwad was consulting at various companies on seismic interpretation. He can be contacted on 263-3340 o

John Townsley has joined ARC Resources as a Senior Geophysicist. John has switched sides and will be using the geophysical tools he’s worked on and sold over the past 20 years. John is pumped about his new role. Rather than being the cranky old fart creating software, John is now the enthusiastic new guy creating prospects. His friends are encouraged to contact him at, or 509-6450. Quid pro quo rules will apply if you call looking for advice on the best use of WinPICS or LogM.

Dennis Meisinger recently re-joined the Divesto Software geoscience application division as Technical Sales Representative. Dennis’s immediate responsibilities will be training, support assistance and demonstrations for WinPICs, Envision VSX, GeoVista and SynthSuite products. Dennis has an industry background with Geophysical Microcomputer Applications (GMA), Kernel Technologies, Geologic and Divestco Inc. Dennis came directly from Acceleware Corp, as a Geoscience Analyst, porting seismic processing products to parallel acceleration appliances. You can reach Dennis at 770- 0341 or



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