November is here, and I have another short column for you. I especially re g ret not being able to share any Giving Back stories with the readers. The Giving Back portion of this column gives members of the geophysical community a chance to educate CSEG readers on the charity that they volunteer for. The CSEG RECORDER goes to over 2000 members and maybe one of the members reading this column would like to get involved in your charity. So send me some information about your charity.
Kelly and I recently returned from three weeks on Vancouver Island and the interior of British Columbia. While there we stayed in two wonderful Bed and Breakfasts. The first was A Pointe of View in Sooke with hosts Gary and Elisabeth Petersen ( The second was Hammond Bay Executive Suite Inn Bed and Breakfast in Nanaimo with hosts Ken and Ann-Marie Hewer. ( Both had wonderful views of the ocean, fabulous views, fantastic breakfasts and we were treated like royalty. We never thought we would be comfortable staying in a bed and breakfast, now we think it is the only way to go. It was a wonderful holiday and we only saw one CSEG/CSPG member Kevin Marsh, who has recently moved to Nanaimo.
I received the announcement below from Lisa Holmstrom with BG International – CS
I regret that I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to my friends and colleagues before moving rather abruptly to Oman this summer! I have transferred with BG International to their new office in the city of Muscat for a couple of years. My family and I are settling in nicely here, despite the hot, humid weather. Muscat is a beautiful, safe, and friendly city and Oman so far seems to be living up to its reputation as the “Jewel of Arabia”. We look forward to enjoying all the outdoor adventure opportunities here... with the choice of sea, desert or rugged mountains nearby! I am working on an interesting gas development project, based on a new, very large 3D dataset. Our field area borders on the Rhub Al Khali desert, as well as the Umm al-Samim (or “ Mother-of-Poison”, largest sabhka in the world), so there are a few logistical challenges with the seismic acquisition! Please keep in touch... I can be reached at lisa.holmstrom@
Jeff Gautreau, Geoph.I.T. who holds a B.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Manitoba, recently moved positions at GEDCO from the Borehole services group, where he was processing VSP to the Potential Fields group. As part of his new role, Jeff will be processing and interpreting HRAM and Gravity surveys. Jeff is looking forward to the new challenges associated with interpretation. Jeff can still be reached at
This summer, Trango Technologies Inc., has officially changed its’ name to Fugro Data Solutions Canada Inc. As of Sept, 1, Fugro Data Solutions Canada Inc. has also acquired Kestrel Data from Recall and is moving all employees to the Kestrel Data office at 4221 - 23b St NE. With these changes, some new people have been added and some have changed roles.
Paul MacLaren is Director Operations for the physical asset management division while Kelly Thompson is Director Operations for the AppliedTechnologies division. Paul Toman has joined the company as Director Application Development, Carol Millar (ex-ConocoPhilips) has joined as Director Client Consulting, Jim Vos join us as GIS applications manager and Susan Watson has joined us in database services. We have also moved Jarrett Page ( Director Marketing) to Houston as the general manager for Fugro Data Solutions in Houston.
Fugro Data Solutions Canada focuses on intelligent data management, including physical asset management and services and technology products and services in the Oil and Gas industry. Fugro Data Solutions Canada is part the Fugro group of companies. Please refer to or
Susan Thomson is excited to announce her wedding to David Reynolds on Sept. 2. WHOO HOO! And while her name will stay the same, her contact info has changed, as she is no longer with Apache Canada. She can be reached at
Pierre Marchand (Harvest Energy) and Cinnamon Bond (ParadigmGeophysical) are pleased to introduce their daughter Emelia Claire. Their little “bun” was born on May 21 weighing in at 4.16Kg (9lbs 3oz) and measuring 54.6cm (21.5in). She brings tremendous joy to her parents and is a very happy girl who loves the outdoors and smiles at everyone she meets.

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