Happy September! I don’t know about you but the summer flew by! I am not one of the people that enjoys the really hot, humid weather, so I am glad to have the cooler temperatures of fall.
I am very excited to have THREE articles from members of the geophysical community profiling their volunteer efforts. Thank you very much for sharing your stories and experiences. I was particularly impressed with Target Data Services and their first annual volunteer day. I have known Jeff Kary for years and want to congratulate him and his company for a great idea.
I want to congratulate my sister columnist Gina on her recent wedding. I am very happy for you Gina. I would also like to announce that I got engaged over the summer to Kelly Hrabi (Northrock Resources ). And yes, he is a geophysicist, and a wonderful man. I am a very lucky woman. We have not set a wedding date but when we do tie the knot, I promise to let you know.
Greg Partyka (SEG 2005 Distinguished Lecturer) and Paul Garossino have joined OpenGeoSolutions reuniting the team (Partyka / Garossino / Bush / Gutowski) that invented seismic spectral decomposition / inversion. OpenGeoSolutions has developed the next generation of seismic spectral inversion technologies and is now providing spectral decomposition / inversion services in Calgary and Houston.
Greg Partyka can be reached at gpartyka@opengeosolutions.com (281) 394-3552.
Paul Garossino can be reached at pgarossino@opengeosolutions.com (281) 693-0171.
James Alison can be reached at jalison@opengeosolutions.com (403) 202-3140.
In continuing their focus on mitigating exploration risks in complex structure areas, TBI (Thrust Belt Imaging) welcomes Marianne Wong to their team as Account Manager. Her role in this position is to support our highly collaborative workflow between the client and the technical team. She also assists in project planning to ensure resources are appropriately allocated and each client’s needs are addressed. Marianne’s 17 years of experience in various roles in the seismic industry has exposed her to many aspects of its functional areas. This extensive industry knowledge provides her with the ability to comprehend the clients’ goals and present TBI’s strategy for achieving those goals. Marianne can be contacted by phone at 619-3824 or by email at marianne@tbi.ca.
Penny Colton is pleased to announce that she has joined Geophysical Service Inc in Calgary as a Senior Geophysicist in the Precision Seismic Division. Penny can be reached by email at pcolton@geophysicalservice.com or by phone directly at 403-514-6267. For volunteer activities related to the RECORDER or the Petroleum History Society, she can be reached at coltonp@shaw.ca or 850-5567.
Olympic Seismic Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Seitel, Inc is the leading provider of 2D and 3D seismic data and custom 3D surveys to the Oil and Gas Industry, is pleased to announce that Fiona Mueller-Thode (nee Pinnell) has recently joined the team as Marketing Representative. Fiona comes with extensive Industry experience and can be reached at 515-2801 or fmuellerthode@olysei.com for all your Seismic Data requirements.
Brock Hassell and Kevin Viney, Managing Directors are pleased to announce that Lynn Adamson has joined the hard-working team at Complete Land Services Ltd. in the role of Business Development. Lynn brings with her 15 years of business development and marketing experience to this position and is excited about continuing her career in the geophysical/seismic industry. She will be promoting the expertise at Complete primarily as it relates to front-end services and project management of seismic programs. Lynn is a graduate of University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry) and can be reached at 403-218-3106 or lynn@completeland.com.
CGGVeritas is pleased to announce that Greg Mosolf has joined our team as Marketing and Sales Manager – Canada Land Acquisition.
Greg has over 30 years of experience in the Oil & Gas Industry both in acquisition and data processing. Greg would like to let his friends and colleagues know that he can be reached directly at (403) 257-6714 or by e-mail at greg.mosolf@cggveritas.com.
LandQuest Services Ltd. is pleased to announce that Todd Muloin has joined the team. Todd will be responsible for the position of Project Manager. Todd brings to LandQuest Services 17 years of Seismic Industry experience most recently with Kinetex Inc. You can reach Todd at 234-9388 or Todd.Muloin@landquestservices.com.
Olympic Seismic Ltd. wishes to announce the appointment of Gay Ruddy, coordinator to the Business Development Group ( Providing Third Party Data Management services to the Oil/Gas sector). Gay has over 20 years industry experience and has worked with such companies as Arcis, Divestco, Encana and PanCanadian.
For data management account services please contact Gay Ruddy at 515-5882 or e-mail gruddy@olysei.com.
Paradigm has announced the appointment of Mike Miller as Regional Vice President for its Canadian operations. Mike joined Paradigm in 2005 and most recently was the Director of Sales for the Canadian region. Mike has over 27 years of experience including senior business development roles in oil and gas technology and consulting companies. Paradigm is a leading provider of enterprise software and consulting solutions to the global oil and natural gas exploration and production industry. Mike Miller replaces James Lamb, who has moved to Paradigm’s office in Houston, Texas to assume the position of Vice President of Business Development.
Sheila Conner graduated with an Honors’ degree in Geology from the University of Dublin, Ireland. She recently joined GEDCO as a Geophysicist, bringing 15 years of seismic interpretation experience from the Western Canadian Basin. She began her career processing seismic data for Seiscan Delta. Later she worked for PanCanadian, Canadian Occidental, OMV, Petrex and Petro-Canada. Her experience ranges from shallow to deep plays and gas to heavy oil. Sheila also performed economic evaluations on plays and gas and oil processing plants. At GEDCO Sheila will be focusing on seismic interpretation and Survey Evaluation and Design (SED’s). Sheila can be reached at sconner@gedco.com.
Paul Hausmanis, Geoph.I.T. has a B.SC. in Geophysics and graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2001. As part of the GEDCO team, Paul recently took on the role of Junior Geophysicist within the Seismic Services group. With his six years of geophysical experience, Paul’s growing expertise includes environmental geophysics with Komex International, seismic processing with Geo- X, and software support at Divestco. At GEDCO, Paul will focus on Survey Evaluation and Design (SED’s) and seismic interpretation. Over the coming years, Paul hopes to achieve professional status with APEGGA. Paul can be reached at phausmanis@gedco.com.
Pat Butler, who joins GEDCO as Senior Research Geophysicist, will be assisting in the furthering of VISTA® 2D/3D Seismic Processing software package. Prior to joining GEDCO, Pat spent two years with C&C Systems, twenty years developing software at Kelman Technologies Inc., five years at Companie Générale de Géophysique (CGG), and one year at Digitech. Throughout his professional career, Pat has been at the forefront of major developments in the seismic industry including refraction analysis, surface referencing of NMO and migration, prestack migration and anisotropic depth migration. At GEDCO, Pat will focus on developing new software features targeted at meeting clients’ evolving exploration challenges. Pat can be reached at pbutler@gedco.com.
Many people in our geophysical community give unselfishly of their time and resources in volunteer work outside the geophysical community. The RECORDER committee would like to give our members an opportunity to share their experiences and details of the charity that they support. CS
Hank Geerloff – Murphy Oil Company – Retired
This year’s Betty’s run has come and gone again. Last Sunday morning we had a beautiful day for the run — the weather was perfect — not too hot (about 18 to 20°C) and not wet. Approximately 1400 people came out and we raised an amazing $500,000. This was close to $100,000 more than our previous record last year.
Thank you for each of you that contributed to this and all of you that weren’t able to. With Murphy matching $15,000, my total as of now is $31,115 — an amount that gave me first prize for collecting the most as an individual. Thank you again. The money will be well used — 40% goes for research and 60% is used within the province to help those who have ALS. I was glad to be able to be part of this for the third year. Hopefully I’ll be able to do it again next year.

I am including a couple pictures from the run. My three children were here from out of town plus my family from here, including some in-laws and outlaws, besides a number of friends from work and from church. It was a great day of celebration.
Right on Target – 1st Annual Volunteer Day, May 31, 2007 Target Data Services
On a beautiful day in late May, over 30 of Target Data Services staff, customers and associates decided it was time to give back. “This will be the first of many” said Jeff Kary, President of Target Data Services about Target Data’s first “Right On Target” Volunteer day.
Easter Seals Camp Horizon was chosen as the recipient of Target’s time and energy. Camp Horizon hosts camps for children and adults with cancer, diabetes, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, downs syndrome, learning disabilities and other medical conditions. Each winter, weather conditions can be cruel or kind to the camp. This winter was not so kind. Anna Garcia, Director of Operations & Fund Development for Camp Horizon said “It is only through the generosity of individuals such as yourselves (Target Data Services) that we can continue to offer our unique camp programs to children and adults with disabilities and special needs.”
Upon arrival at Camp Horizon, located just west of Bragg Creek in Kananaskis Country, the eager volunteers were given an orientation and sent out to work. Several hundred feet of fencing, several camp decks and a group of workers from CNRL were given a new coat of paint, a handi-bus full to the brim with plants, were distributed and planted throughout flower beds and hanging baskets, the woods area, home to the high and low rope challenge courses was cleared of brush, wood piles were stacked, and the woods area outhouse received new shingles on the roof and a fresh coat of paint. Nobody could believe it when we ran out of work at 3:15, forty five minutes before the bus was to take us back to town.

But before we could leave there were some people who needed to be recognized. Trudy Whelan, won the distinction of the dirtiest shirt and took home a big bottle of Tide detergent; Dawn Taylor, wearer of the most inappropriate footwear, took home a brand new pair of Crocs; and Ian Baker was our busy beaver award winner for the most energetic participant and took home a four pack of Red Bull energy drinks. Honorable mention needs to be made to the Back Woods Boys for all retaining their limbs and the CNRL crew for their creative shirt decoration.
Kim O’Donnell, President & CEO of Exoro Energy Ltd. said “This is one of the best things I’ve seen a service company do. Count me in next year this was great!”
Jeff Kary and Todd O’Brien, President and Vice President of Target, and the rest of the Target team, look forward to future volunteer days and charitable events, a mandate they have set for the company. If you would like to receive a copy of the slide presentation from our 1st Annual Right on Target Volunteer Day, please e-mail jeff@targetdataservices.com and we will forward you a copy.
Carrie Youzwishen – Husky Energy Inc. Team Diabetes Update
On Sunday, June 24th, 2007 I participated in the Rio de Janeiro marathon with 50 runners from the Canadian Diabetes Association. I ran the half marathon route, and our team had runners in the full marathon as well. We had people representing all provinces and territories of Canada. The Rio de Janeiro marathon was an open international race. Most runners were Brazilian, but we did encounter another group from Denmark during the race.
It was an amazing experience! The weather was warm: 28 degrees Celsius, but the route was a road along the beach so we had the advantage of being at sea level. There were thousands of spectators and we received many cheers for Canada. Like in any international event, there were some crazy costumes. Some runners ran in Brazilian flags, and we saw one tribesman covered in tattoos who ran in bare feet. I was fortunate enough to run a while with Brazilian marathon runner who was also running to raise money for diabetic research within his country. He looked like an Olympic athlete, and I was shocked to find out he was type 2 diabetic.
We had a great experience during the run, and were rewarded with many thumbs up signs from the locals. One of the runners with Team Diabetes Canada was almost mugged in part of the route through a favela (slum). Luckily some local runners chased off the teenagers who wanted his hat, sunglasses and watch. It made us realize how many things we take for granted – material possessions as well as safe running routes at 10AM! The group I was running with was only accosted by children who wanted to give us high fives and have their pictures taken.
We were proud to participate in the race, but also to contribute to a great cause. We had many international tourists speak with us after the run, and share their own stories of lives affected by diabetes. I fundraised with my husband Oliver, and our good friends Erin and Dan Chapotelle. Our goal was $25,000 and we raised just over $30,000.
I would like to deeply thank our supporters who made this possible:
Apoterra Seismic Processing Ltd., Sigma Exploration, Encana Corporation, Santos Geomatics, Husky Energy, BJ Pipeline Inspection Services, Cimarron Engineering, and KinderMorgan Canada. I would also like to recognize the numerous friends and colleagues who contributed privately, including the SASS group at Husky Energy. Finally, a thank you to all those who supported our curling funspiel in March. Together we have made a difference, and contributed to the over 2 million Canadian affected by diabetes. Thank you so much!

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