Welcome back to the Recorder after a two month break. Lots of exciting issues coming up so keep up the reading and career announcements. Do not hesitate to send anything related to geophysics in Canada and abroad, from tales in the field to funny office anecdotes. Here are the new announcements I received since the last issue.

William Sattlegger, formerly Manager of Exploration/Business development at Del Roca Energy Ltd., has joined Range Energy Ltd. as Business/Technical advisor, Director. He can now be contacted at (403) 298-8305.

After 11 years at Canadian Hunter Expl. Ltd., Mike Corrigan has resigned from Burlington Resources to pursue a geophysical consulting career as well as guiding anglers on the Elk and Bow rivers. Mike can be reached at his company, Westslope Resources Ltd., phone # 912-7507 (cell: 862-4167).

Mike Galbraith, President of SIS, a division of GEDCO, is pleased to announce the addition of Gina Schiltz as marketing coordinator. Gina will be responsible for marketing the SIS software packages, OMNI Workshop and VISTA. She will also be keeping the geophysical community updated regarding new developments through the SIS newsletter; next publication date is October 2002. If you wish to contact Gina to obtain a demo license of either OMNI or Vista, she can be reached at (403) 233 - 2140 or via e-mail: gina@sisimage.com.

Shane Willis would like to inform all his friends and former colleagues in the oil and gas community in Calgary that he has moved to Saudi Arabia and is working as a geophysical processing consultant at Saudi Aramco. He is based in Dhahran and can be contacted at willissw@aramco.com.sa.

Varidata Surveys Ltd. is pleased to announce that Bev Archdekin has joined the team as a seismic data broker. She looks forward to working with all her friends in the industry. Bev can be reached by telephone at (403) 262-5241, fax 262-5236, or by e-mail: barchdekin@varidata.com.

Tammy Weir wishes to inform the CSEG community that she has changed positions at Kelman Technologies from the Calgary Archives Division to the Houston office as Archives Operations Manager. She can now be reached at telephone (281) 293-0537 or by e-mail: tammy@kelman.com.



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