I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday and I would like to take this time to wish everyone a Happy New Year and that 1998 is successful and rewarding. Now for this month's news.

Earth Signal, a data processing company, is pleased to announce that Paul Blaine has joined their team as Senior Processing Geophysicist. Paul brings twenty-two years of extensive experience in 2D/3D seismic data processing. Paul would like his friends and clients to know that he can be reached at (403) 264-8722 or via Fax (403) 264-8725.

Canadian 88 wishes to announce that Curtis Booth has joined their team as Senior Geophysicist. Curtis brings several years of experience most recently, ten years with Murphy Oil Company Ltd. You can reach Curtis at (403) 974-8800 or via Fax (403) 974-8811. I wish you the best of luck with your new position Curtis.

Trevor Boyce would like his friends and colleagues to know that he is now working at Crestar as a Geophysicist. Trevor brings ten years of experience most recently with Samson Canada for the last four years. Trevor can be reached at (403) 231-6700 or by fax (403) 231-3833. Good luck with the new company Trevor.

John Duhault, formerly of CS Resources, is pleased to announce the formation of his own company Starbird Energy Inc. John brings more than nineteen years of experience in Canadian and International geophysical and geological interpretation. John can be reached at (403) 686-1845 or by Fax (403) 6609222. Good luck John.

Techco Geophysical Services and Dave Hutchinson welcomes the addition of Wilf Kruggel to the company. Wilf brings nine years of experience in writing seismic processing software and will be a valuable addition to their team. Wilf can be reached at (403) 850-7128 of by Fax (403) 289-6332. Congratulations Wilf.

On the International scene, Lasmo Inc. has transferred Dave Paterson to London, UK, after spending the last five years in Jakarta. Dave will now be in charge of new ventures S.E. Asia. If you need to contact Dave he can be reached at 44-171-892-9224, e-mail: dave.paterson@lasmo.com or by mail: c/o Lasmo PLC, 101 Bishopsgate, London, UK, EC2M 3XH. Dave hopes everyone had a good holiday season and I wish you Dave, all the best for the New Year.

lexco is pleased to announce that Nicole Axelson has joined their staff as Marketing Representative. She can be reached at (403) 233-7922, Fax (403) 237-6563 or e-mail: naxelson@bowvalley.com. Congratulations Nicole.

I would like to take this opportunity to make a syntactical correction for the November issue re: Trevor Bell, should have read 'Trevor brings thirty-four years of experience, the last ten being in Libya.' My apologies for the misunderstanding.

That is all for this month and remember,

No man drowns if he perseveres in praying to god; and can swim.
– Russian Proverb



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