Hello to everyone and a very Merry Christmas. Here are the moves for the month.

Terra Management welcomes Bernie Delorme to our group as Marketing Manager. Bernie will be marketing their product, Terraseis, a windows based exploration automation and information system. Bernie can be reached at (403) 269-6090 or by e-mail: delonne®terramanagement.com. Good luck with your new position Bernie.

Outsource Consultants Inc. is pleased to announce Doug Iverson has joined their team as an Operations Geophysicist. Doug has worked in exploration geophysics since 1977, most recently completing a five year (rotational) international assignment. . You can reach Doug at (403) 777-4141, by fax (403) 777-4140 or e-mail: outsource@cadvision.com. Welcome back Doug!

The Excalibur Gemini Group wishes to inform you that Steve Sinclair-Smith has joined the company as Manager, Survey Audit Services effective October 6th , 1997. If you wish to reach Steve he can be reached at (403) 264-8850 or fax at (403) 264-8868. Best wishes Steve to you and your new company.

It's a fairly light month this month but please let me know your latest moves via fax (403) 262-8632, phone (403) 262-5781 or e-mail: bfelix@gedco.com. Again, Seasons Greeting to everyone and some words to live by "A man who does not benefit the world by his life does so by his death." Author Unknown. Until next time.

Geophysically yours,
Brent Felix



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