Ron Smaniotto has now joined the team at Seismic Image Software Ltd. as the International Sales Coordinator. Ron can be reached at 233-2140 or fax 266-2685.

Janet Barker has set up a consulting business located at 500, 717 - 7th Avenue S.W. She can be reached at 261-3870.

Integra Geoservices Inc. welcomes four new members to its team. Mike Werner, formerly of Geo-X Systems Ltd. has joined as Manager of Special Projects specializing in 3-D processing. Vladan Simin, previously of Exssel Services, Darrell Connick, formerly of Imperial Oil and Jocelyn Bradley, previously of Genesis Seismic Services, have joined as Processing Geophysicists. Integra's phone number is 264-4370.

Cam Grace has now joined the exploration team at Ocelot Energy Inc. To get in touch with Cam, call 299-5695.

Merv Hayes (P. Geoph.) wishes to announce that he has returned from Tripoli, Libya after having spent 7 1/2 years there interpreting seismic data for Veba Oil. Merv has reinstated his consulting practice in the name of M.K.H. Resources Ltd. and can be reached at 256-2736.

Gordon Westwood, President of Sourcex Geophysical Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of P.T. (Perry) Kotkas, P. Geoph., as General Manager. Perry brings over twenty years of geophysical and management experience in Western Canadian and Foreign Operations to the company. His telephone number is 272-2520.

Well, that is the latest news for this month. Until next time, keep those faxes coming and above all else, keep smiling.



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