Herman grew up for part of his young life in Hanna, Alberta and later attended high school in Warburg, Alberta. In those days you didn't stay around home if you didn't have a job. After high school, his Dad quickly suggested that he look for work which prompted him to contact his older brother in Fort St. John, B.C. for job prospects. In the Fall of 1961, with suitcase in hand looking for work, he took the long road from Hanna to Fort St. John.
For the next one and a half years, Herman worked for a construction firm building houses and for a ready-mix cement company which was not interesting work at the best of times. In the Spring of 1963, he met a party manager with Beaver Geophysical in Fort St. John looking for people to work on their seismic survey crew working on a tent job near Fort Nelson B.C.
Herman recalls - I had no idea what seismic was about. The party manager gave me a one half hour talk on seismic which convinced me to take the job. The next day we were driving up the Alaska highway to the job site. The only things that I was sure of was that I was going further north to work, and that I would also be living in a tent.
In the next fourteen years I was promoted within the company to surveyor and party manager. During this time, I worked with a number of excellent people who I still have many fond memories of and respect to this very day.
In the summer of 1975, we shot a seismic program in the Athabasca area. For this particular job, I was the permit man/party manager. I recall that one farm family signed the permit form without hesitation but informed me that they were going away for the summer and their oldest daughter would be in charge. Little did I know that this girl would be my future wife.
In 1977, after spending fourteen years with Beaver Geophysical, it was difficult for me to continue with the transient life style so I decided to look for other employment. I started working as a Geophysical Inspector with the Alberta Government (Energy and Natural Resources) in August 1977, with Wm. Kammermayer (now President of CAGC) being my boss.
In 1978, Herman received a promotion with the Department to Manager, Exploration Inspection. From 1980 to 1986, he supervised a staff of ten inspectors ensuring that consistency was applied in their work and that companies were operating in a responsible and credible manner. He was also instrumental during this time upgrading the inspection program with in-house courses and programs.
In 1986, Herman was transferred to Alberta Forest Service, responsible for processing all seismic applications in the Province. As Manager of Exploration Approvals, he wanted to ensure all clients' applications would be processed in a consistent and timely manner.
Through departmental reorganization, Herman's duties changed again in 1996. He was given the title of Manager, Land Management and Energy Liaison Group responsible for the maintenance of the Exploration Regulation, Exploration Inspection Program, development and implementation of land use exploration policies and guidelines. As Manager of the Land Management and Energy Liaison Group, Herman always maintained a close working relationship with the oil and gas industry.
Ever since its inception in 1986, Herman has chaired the Alberta Government/Industry Geophysical Committee. This Committee has members representing the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC), the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and the Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (SEPAC) together with representatives from numerous Government departments concerned with administering the Exploration Regulation and guidelines. Issues of concern to industry as well as Government are addressed and in most instances resolved within the framework of this Committee before they become major problems.
In addition, every Fall (during the month of September) at various centres throughout Alberta, an annual Government/ Industry Geophysical Seminar is held. Each year, Herman co-chairs this two day event with either the President or Chairman of the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors. Papers addressing timely topics of interest of the day are presented by industry and Government personnel. Recently, at the completion of these seminars, a golf tournament was held – an event Herman never failed to attend even when he professed to be too ill to chair the seminar.
Herman decided to retire from Government March 31, 1998. He explained that the decision was timely which he discussed with his wife for some time before submitting his resignation. Upon retiring, he plans on establishing his own consulting business assisting industry and /or Government whenever the need arises.
During his twenty-one years with Government, Herman explained that he always wanted to maintain an open door policy allowing companies to express their concerns and/or present any issues they may want to discuss. He says he really enjoyed thirty-five excellent years both on the geophysical acquisition side (fourteen years) and his twenty-one year career with Government.
Herman's hobbies include golf, gardening, watching his daughter figure skate and a little fishing whenever the weather permits.
Through this profile, Herman would like to pass on a sincere thank you for being given the opportunity to work with a number of quality people from the CAGC, CAPP and SEPAC who worked with him on various committees over the years and have made his job interesting and rewarding.
The Selcho's will continue to reside in Edmonton close to family and friends.
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