Nominations / Elections

Your comments are solicited in regards to the nomination and election process for CSEG executive positions. Whether you are a new member, a member of long standing, a volunteer member on any committee, a past president, a past executive member, a member who was nominated but not elected, or a member who was asked to be nominated but declined for any reason, your feedback would be greatly appreciated on any aspect of the nomination process or the election itself. We are planning to review the bylaws of the CSEG this coming year, and if needed, changes can be implemented. Send your comments to my attention, either at the CSEG office, or to me directly (email and mailing address on page 1 of the RECORDER).

SEG Books for Sale!

A new undertaking by the CSEG has come to fruition! A selection of books published by the SEG will be available for purchase at the CSEG office. The sale price will be equivalent to what you would pay should you order directly from the SEG, but we will save you the hassle of the exchange rate, shipment, customs and GST; all of that will be already taken care of for you. Come by and visit your CSEG office in Downtown Calgary and browse our bookstore; watch for the official launch soon!

Online Services

Our online services are available for all members and will be expanded to include membership renewal for 2009; watch your email inbox around December 1 for the official announcement. If you have not visited the “Member Login” area yet, check it out (upper right hand corner of the web site). If you do not have your personal login information, contact the office. Visit:

CFES: Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences

The CSEG is a member society of the CFES, as such a small portion of our dues go to the CFES. Check it out at Take a look at the WHERE challenge part of the IYPE, review the Human Resources Survey report, and review the position of some organizations on mobility of geoscientists.



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