CSEG members are encouraged to become more involved with the RECORDER by submitting short Calgary Herald-style letters for publication to the Chief Editor at editor@csegrecorder.com.

I was perusing the March edition of the RECORDER online (by the way, I like the “flippable” version for online viewing) but is there a way to download the entire edition as one pdf to view on my ipad? I can download individual articles from the current edition, and I can download entire editions from the archive (October 2016 and earlier), but the current member-only versions do not seem to have the “entire edition” option. Does this mean I have to wait for the latest additions to move into archive before I can download as single pdfs? Copying each individual article as a pdf is a bit cumbersome.

Thanks, Ian Meades

Reply from Chief Editor

A 'Full Issue PDF' button has been added to new editions on the CSEG Member's website, members.cseg.ca.

Nicole Willson



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