Happy St. Paddy’s Day month! Admittedly, this is one of my favourite holidays of the year… Everyone’s Irish for a day and I can legitimately say “Kiss me, I’m 1/8th Irish”. Let’s see… other events to pay attention to. The inaugural CSEG Symposium will be happening on March 22nd and will feature a series of high profile speakers and will include the CSEG awards ceremonies. The talks will focus on the work of Dan Hampson and Brian Russell, this Symposium’s honorees. Tickets are limited and going fast… hint hint!
The 40th Anniversary Doodlespiel was held from January 27th to 29th in Banff, Alberta with 96 teams participating!
Larry Herd’s teams now have the distinction of having the most wins of the Doodlespiel – 5 time champions! 1990, 1996, 2004, 2011, 2012: a span of 22 years between first and current win!
Congratulations to the following winning skips: Larry Herd (A), Ken Lengyel (B), Matt Ng (C), Rob Langill (D), and Bill Anderson (Holeplug). As well, Brad MacDonald was the winner of the Human Curling event and Todd Stuebing won the Draw to the Button competition.
Thanks to everyone who participated and made it an anniversary to remember!
Save the Date! The annual Women in Seismic golf tournament will be held this year on Thursday, September 13th at the Fox Hollow Golf Course in Calgary. This is a GREAT opportunity for networking and golfing in support of a great cause: ovarian and breast cancer research. Online registration will begin shortly.
If you are interested in hole sponsorship, or possibly donating an item to the raffle, please contact Joanne Poloway at joanne.poloway@sigmaex.com or at 403.294.6412.
Founded in Calgary in 1999, Light Up the World is an international development organization dedicated to providing renewable energy and innovative lighting solutions to communities in need in the developing world. Since its inception, LUTW has facilitated the installation of approximately 30,000 lights that have illuminated close to one million lives in 53 countries.
When you come to the exhibit hall during the GeoConvention, please take the time to look at the silent auction tables that will be strategically placed amongst the booths. If your company is interested in donating an item or service to the silent auction, we would love to hear from you!
Please contact Craig Van Dongen if you wish to donate or help out on the committee: 403.818.8873 or craig@geotir.com.

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