Welcome back to work... for all of you who took summer holidays! I must say, downtown Calgary has been awfully quiet over the past couple of months without you! In fact, the Grapevine is pretty light this month, so PLEASE start submitting to me, otherwise you will be treated to an extended monologue by yours truly in the next edition. That said, I want to give a shout out to my golf team from the Junior Oilmen’s tournament: Jeff Closson, Jared Atkinson and Bahaa Beshry. Great times were had by all, and huge thanks to the gentlemen who organize the tournament annually: Russ Walz (Talisman), Will Clark (Paramount Energy Trust), Scott James (Paramount Energy Trust), Kevin Stoski (NOV Downhole) and Jason Ogilvie (Stream-Flo Industries). Your efforts are appreciated!

CSEG Doodlebug

It is with special pride and tradition we announce the winners of the 2008 56th Doodlebug Golf Tournament. A weekend of warm weather and excellent camaraderie was had by all!

Winners of all flights, followed by runners-up:

  1. Allan Starkoski (Daryl Robbins)
  2. Rob Phillips (Gary Fortier)
  3. Tom Byers (Ross Turner)
  4. Jim King (Steve Mossfeldt)
  5. Warren Murray (Tie: Oliver Kuhn, Brian Beck)
  6. Ray MacDonald (Brad Torry)
  7. Brian Bertram (Brian Irwin)
  8. Zig Doborzynski (Milt Tatzlaff)
  9. Marty Sommerville (Drew Lane)
  10. Mike Dahl (Wayne Wheeler)
  11. Eric Mikkelborg (Paul Mitcham)
  12. Neil Towler (Doug Bogstie)

Low Net Trophy Winner(s):

Tie, Dean Dennison and Jason Nycz

Ted Rozsa Award, attended for 25 years:

Recipients: Gordon Dyck & Neil Thompson

Stay tuned for more tales from Doodlebug George, as he gets set for the 57th Doodlebug which will be held Aug. 20-22, 2009. George is looking forward to working with next year’s Chairman, Elvis Floreani. Doodlebug George also thanks Marty Sommerville for his work as Chairman this year and all of the volunteers who helped make this event a success.

World Petroleum Congress – Madrid

Student Perspective by Nicole Willson (with assistance from Leor Rothchild)

After the 16th World Petroleum Congress (WPC) held in Calgary in 2000, the Canadian Association of the Petroleum Council joined with the Government of Canada’s Millennium Scholarship Foundation to create the WPC Millennium Scholarship Program.

This was a scholarship program awarded to students in financial need. The students also had to maintain a minimum B average to qualify, and be studying in a program leading to a career in the Petroleum industry. These students were given the opportunity to apply for an additional scholarship to attend the 19th WPC in Madrid, Spain in 2008. This was the World Petroleum Council Millennium Scholarship Youth Leadership Award.

The 5 students chosen were James Premkumar, Andrew Britton, Jordan Eamer, Nirmal Patel and Nicole Willson.

Thanks to everyone involved in the organization of the 2000 WPC. Eight years later, your hard work and commitment is still benefitting the industry and those just entering their careers.

With the guidance of Dr. Randy Gossen, the 19th WPC was the first to actively involve students and young professionals. The WPC defines “youth” as members of the industry 35 years of age and younger. Companies around the world sponsored young professionals and students. The Spanish Organizing Committee gave 50 scholarships to students from different countries. Youth delegates were able to discuss issues facing the industry with people from all areas of the Petroleum industry: upstream, middle-stream and downstream. The congress featured presentations, round tables and special sessions. Key topics were sustainability, alternative energy sources and environmental stewardship.

I am proud to know that Canada has such a strong presence at the WPC and is taking an active role in guiding the industry. Youth events coming up next summer that continue the discourse of the 19th WPC are SWEC at the University of Calgary and an official WPC Youth Forum in Strasbourg, France.



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