Auto-trol Technology Corporation demonstrated a Live Video Frame Grabber application at CALS Expo ’92. The “Grabber” passes a live-video signal through the host workstation’s frame buffer and displays the video in an X window. The user can input the video from any composite or S-Video source, and support is provided for NTSC, PAL and SECAM formats.
The live-video window is augmented by a frame-grabber menu that allows the user to “freeze frame” images and save them to disk. The saved images are then converted directly into an Auto-trol raster file (ATR). These raster files are processed as continuous tone color, gray scale or monochromatic images.
LCT has recently opened an office in Richmond, Surrey, U.K. to better support clients in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East regions. The Manager of LCT Ltd. is Richard Horscroft, former Manager of the Intera Gravity and Magnetics Group. The office is fully equipped with Sun workstation hardware, LCT’s gravity and magnetic processing and interpretation software, and a full compliment of real-time digital marine gravimeters and magnetometer equipment.
EG&G Geometrics has introduced a new seismograph, the StrataView-R24, which provides greatly improved data quality, yet costs less than existing systems. The StrataView? is intended for oil and gas exploration, VSP, tomography, coal surveys, and other demanding seismic applications. The system can use vibratory sources, with record lengths up to 48 seconds, and has a built-in stacker and correlator. The StrataView? will also operate as a high quality, multi-channel, digital marine seismograph, at a cost competitive to analog systems.
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists in conjunction with its colleagues in the former Republics of the USSR will organize and produce an International Exposition in Moscow, Russia in August, 1993.
Papers are now being solicited from the following areas:
- Environmental, Engineering, and Groundwater Geophysics
- Oil and Gas Exploration and Development
- Mineral Exploration and Development.
Authors around the world are encouraged to submit abstracts for papers in these subject areas by March 1, 1993. Authors interested in participating in this historic International Exposition, should send a 300-word abstract (no figures or equations, please) to:
Moscow 93, Technical Program Committee c/o Society of Exploration Geophysicists P.O. Box 702740 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74170-7240 Phone: (918) 493-3516 or Fax: (918) 493-2074
Through this note, the executive of the CGU (Canadian Geophysical Union) solicits nominations for the J. Tuzo Wilson Medal - 1993. The Union makes this award annually to recognize outstanding contributions to geophysics in Canada. Factors taken into account in the selection process include excellence in scientific or technological research, instrument development, industrial applications and/or teaching. Medal winners in order from 1978 to 1992 have been: J. Tuzo Wilson, Roy Lindseth, Larry Morley, George Garland, Jack Jacobs, Ian Gough, Ted Irving, Harry Seigel, Michael Rochester, David Strangway, Ernie Kanasewich, Len Collett, Gordon West, Thomas Krogh and Don Russell.
If you would like to nominate a candidate for this award, please contact:
Dr. W.E. (Ted) Glenn Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. 500 - 5th Avenue S.W. Calgary, AB T2P OW7 Phone: (403)234-5000
Course: (2 day): Recent Sand Models Applied to Alberta Basin Exploration; PSG
The Officers of the Denver Geophysical Society for 1993 are: President, TelTY W. Donze, an independent oil and gas consultant with offices in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Newly elected Vice President/President-Elect is Steve R. Kloppel, Manager of Seismic Exchange, Inc., in Englewood. Walter F. Martin, independent geophysical consultant in Denver, is the Society’s new Secretary. New Treasurer is Valerie A. Williams, employed with Samedan Oil in Denver. David M. Zimmerman, with HT Geophysical Corp. in Denver, has been elected Editor of the Society. The Denver Geophysical Society is located in Suite 1250,518 - 17th Street, Denver, CO 80202, phone: (303) 573-3846.
The Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, organized by the Department of Surveying Engineering and the Department of Geology and Geophysics, of The University of Calgary, will be held in Banff, Alberta, May 9 - 11, 1993. Technical sessions are planned in the following areas: Seismology; Electromagnetics; Gravity and Geodesy; Exploration Geophysics; Computational Geophysics; Geo and Paleomagnetism; Lithoprobe Investigations; and SEDI: Study of the Earth Deep Interior. Other suggestions for special sessions are solicited.
For further information contact:
CGU-UGC 1993
Department of Surveying Engineering The University of Calgary 2500 University Drive N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2N IN4 Phone: (403) 220-5834 Fax: (403) 284-1980
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