Financially Needed Changes for the RECORDER

The CSEG has been and still is in financial stress. We cannot survive as a professional Society if we do not all consider and implement change that reflects fiscal responsibility for the Society. Therefore the CSEG needs to make some changes to how the RECORDER is delivered to the membership by going online/digital in 2017 with the potential for only two printed editions. The final decision on the way forward will be determined by the CSEG Executive 2017 Budget approval process in the coming month. The digital/ online RECORDER will save the CSEG over $30,000 in printing and mailing costs while the CSEG works on other ways to offset costs for the RECORDER.

Figure 1 shows the Revenue / Expenses for the RECORDER since 2006. The expenses for the RECORDER have climbed considerably since 2010, from ~$166,000 to over $255,000 in 2015. Revenue balanced well with expenses until 2013 but since then has fallen off. Even though the RECORDER committee has significantly reduced costs for 2016 there will still be a deficit of over $70,000 at year end. This is a serious challenge to manage more effectively.

Marian Hanna, CSEG President, recently released a Memo to the Executive committee and the RECORDER Chief Editor that captures the sense of urgency the Executive understands:

“The CSEG is cutting costs on all fronts including Administration and working diligently to increase revenue lost. All committees have this focus. However, cost neutral is a dangerous and slippery slope for any Not-for-Profit since costs can easily go awry at any moment.

The CSEG staff along with the Executives are working on increasing revenue through advertising, the Sponsorship program and the New Initiatives committee. Alyssa and Jim have been working hard on achieving the advertising amount for the RECORDER and getting feedback from those potential advertisers on an online change.”

The bottom line is that if we don’t implement significant cost cutting measures in advance of future potential new revenue, the future of the CSEG is jeopardized.

We ask that you are emphatic and supportive of this change, albeit uncomfortable for some. Online publication is how most publications, including professional / technical publications are now delivered.

What can you do to help make the CSEG survive and thrive?

  • Renew your membership!
  • Encourage former members to reinstate.
  • Get your CSEG ID and go digital, if you haven’t already.
  • Participate in any and all CSEG events.
  • Sponsor a CSEG activity
  • Engage your companies to sponsor CSEG events.
  • Encourage your staff to maintain their technical competencies by attending our technical luncheons, Symposium and the GeoConvention.
  • Contribute technically to the RECORDER.

Thank you for your time and your support as we all navigate this economic crunch and very tough decision.

Fig. 01
Figure 1. RECORDER historical costs 2006 – projected year end 2016



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