Although this message will be published in the early autumn, I am firmly in the middle of summer vacation as I write this update, and so apologies for a relatively brief message.
Considering all the damage resulting from the early summer flooding in the Calgary area, I know many of us consider ourselves fortunate if we escaped unscathed. A small, yet unfortunate victim, was the timing of the MUG Technology Days originally scheduled for June. Despite an attempt to reschedule the event for mid- July, the city commandeered the venue at the University of Calgary’s downtown campus and so the event was re-rescheduled for September 9 and 10. Thank you for everyone’s patience as we revised the schedule. One interesting aspect was the small number of patient and enthusiastic out-of-town registrants who planned to travel to attend the event. Their requests for information updates during the flooding underlined how many were traveling to attend what had been envisaged as a primarily local event.
Another minor victim of the flooding was a need to extend the DoodleTrain pre-registration. Of course the training week is shaping up to be another impressive list of relevant courses. My gratitude to the entire Doodletrain committee and army of volunteers for their efforts and dedication in coordinating this impressive event.
With the fall technical luncheons resume, along with lunchbox and MUG presentations. Announcements will be coming out as the schedules are finalized, and reported in the weekly CSEG updates and also via the CSEG website.
In the meantime I hope that everyone is also enjoying the last bits of summer vacation in preparation for a productive fall.
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