In the May issue of the Recorder we featured the results from the CSEG membership survey. The 1997 CSEG Executive committee to gain a better understanding of our membership conceived this survey. 'The Advisory Group', a professional market research firm was chosen to plan, advise and undertake this task. A series of questions were agreed upon. These questions (it was hoped) would help future CSEG executive to better know the demographic profile of the membership, their employment, and most important, how they viewed Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists and its services.
A telephone survey was undertaken in the fall of 1997 and a total of 350 people were asked their opinion of the CSEG. What was the biggest surprise from these results? While not speaking for the rest of executive committee involved, I was most surprised at how supportive people were of the CSEG. In general, there were no major areas of dissatisfaction. After years of working on various committees and handling complaints of many types, I was convinced there would be more criticism. Despite the shoestring budgets and the glitches, in general, the society seems to work.
A couple of other surprising results. As a membership, you seem to overwhelming support the technical activities of the society. The monthly luncheons, the conventions and the publications are all highly rated in the survey. The CSEG technical Journal and the Recorder have good support. Not surprising is that the social activities like the Doodlebug, Doodlespiel and Ski Spree are important but only to the people who attend these events.
This is good feedback. The message is to continue and improve the areas that deliver a technical education message. I know that it helps to clarify where the limited funds of the society should go. It is volunteers who support many of our services and some prudently directed money could take the load off of stressed committee members.
One last word, the positive results from our membership survey was a direct result of hard work from thousands of volunteers for many years. If you are or were a member of the many CSEG committees, pat yourself on the back. You did a good job.
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