The PDAC International Convention, Trade Show and Investors Exchange began in 1932 and today it is the event of choice for the world’s mineral industry. This year there were over 30,000 participants from 120 different countries, seven of which were student representatives from the University of Regina Geology Department. This is the first time a group of students from the U of R has ventured out to Toronto for the PDAC convention and I hope that this is the beginning of a new tradition!
There were 1,600 students at the conference amongst a sea of industry members making the networking opportunities endless! We spent most of our time touring the 1,000 exhibits at the Trade Show and Investors Exchange, meeting company representatives and learning about what they did. It was a great opportunity to meet people and to see what geology jobs are available outside of our comfortable boundaries. We all had a stack of business cards and contacts by the time we left! We also attended technical presentations, a student forum, a PDAC-CIM Toronto Branch Guided Tour and a student-networking luncheon. There was so much to do and very little time to fit it all in!
On behalf of the University of Regina we would like to thank our sponsors because without your support this educational trip would never have been possible! Thank-you APEGA, CSEG, PDAC, Saskatchewan Geological Society, University of Regina Geology Department and University of Regina Student Union for your financial support in helping with this endeavour.

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