I am writing this in the middle of May, sixty-three days since the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Like every other organization on the continent, the CSEG has made significant changes in how we operate. From the Member Services side, we have, sadly, had to cancel all social and networking functions until further notice. However, we still plan to run the Volunteer Appreciation social, a new winter holiday social, and if we're lucky, a late summer event in place of the popular Stampede Luncheon. Please stay tuned for these announcements later this year!

On a happy note, we have had smooth delivery of our virtual technical luncheons and webinars for the past two months. Consider participating in these from the comfort of your home! The CSEG home page prominently displays updates on all these events.

If you are looking to try something new and expand your network, I encourage you to consider joining one of our volunteer committees. The following committees are looking for more volunteers: Doodlespiel, Value of Integrated Geophysics (VIG), Emerging Professionals Program (EPP), The RECORDER, and Digital Media Committee (DMC).

This is clearly an uncertain time for our industry and many of us. Most of it is completely outside of our control, but the things we can control to help keep ourselves sane are critical. Being "productive" is good, but it's not realistic or healthy to try being productive all the time. Make time for yourself, whether it's baking bread or posting your home workouts on social media. EnergyMinute posted a fun list of 15 new hobbies to try at home, which I liked and thought I would share here: https://nymag.com/strategist/article/new-hobbies-during-quarantine.html

If you live with young children home from school, and are still alive, I don't know how you do it but I truly admire you for keeping the boat above water. 

I hope you are all staying healthy and listening to health officials’ orders. With any luck, society will have somewhat returned to normal by the next RECORDER edition.



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